Polyuria is a condition usually defined as excessive or abnormally large production or passage of urine (greater than 2.5 or 3 L over 24 hours in adults). Frequent urination is sometimes included by definition but is nonetheless usually an accompanying symptom. Increased production and passage of urine may also be termed diuresis. Polyuria often appears in conjunction with polydipsia (increased thirst), though it is possible to have one without the other, and the latter may be a cause or an effect. Psychogenic polydipsia may lead to polyuria.
The most common cause of polyuria in both adults and children is uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, which causes osmotic diuresis, when glucose levels are so high that glucose is excreted in the urine. Water follows the glucose concentration passively, leading to abnormally high urine output. In the absence of diabetes mellitus, the most common causes are decreased secretion of aldosterone due to adrenal cortical tumor, primary polydipsia (excessive fluid drinking), central diabetes insipidus and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Polyuria may also be due to various chemical substances, such as diuretics, caffeine, and ethanol. It may also occur after supraventricular tachycardias, during an onset of atrial fibrillation, childbirth, and the removal of an obstruction within the urinary tract. Diuresis is controlled by antidiuretics such as vasopressin, angiotensin II and aldosterone. Cold diuresis is the occurrence of increased urine production on exposure to cold, which also partially explains immersion diuresis. High-altitude diuresis occurs at altitudes above 10,000 feet (3,000 m) and is a desirable indicator of adaptation to high altitudes. Mountaineers who are adapting well to high altitudes experience this type of diuresis. Persons who produce less urine even in the presence of adequate fluid intake are probably not adapting well to altitude.
It's Sunday morning and you struggle with the sheets
You hear the alarm kick the snooze go back to sleep
If you could only get up you would see what you were missin'
He is always there if you just take the time to listen to His
Mission His will He'll tell you what to do
Now that it's been done it's up to you to see it thorough
And then do it daily 'cause that's where it's at
It'll help you keep your life on track
It's on all day everyday kinda thing
So many times we think we got it tough
We go to church two times a year and you think that's enough
To get by with our lives and look good in others' eyes
Eventually with God we see there is no compromise
We realize how weak we really are
Without Him in your life then you won't make it very far
24-7 is the point I'm tryin to make
A daily walk with Him is exactly what it takes