Substance composed of macromolecules.
Note: Applicable to substance macromolecular in nature like cross-linked
systems that can be considered as one macromolecule.
A polymer (/ˈpɒlᵻmər/; Greek poly-, "many" + -mer, "parts") is a large molecule, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits. Because of their broad range of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life. Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins that are fundamental to biological structure and function. Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerization of many small molecules, known as monomers. Their consequently large molecular mass relative to small molecule compounds produces unique physical properties, including toughness, viscoelasticity, and a tendency to form glasses and semicrystalline structures rather than crystals.
The term "polymer" derives from the ancient Greek word πολύς (polus, meaning "many, much") and μέρος (meros, meaning "parts"), and refers to a molecule whose structure is composed of multiple repeating units, from which originates a characteristic of high relative molecular mass and attendant properties. The units composing polymers derive, actually or conceptually, from molecules of low relative molecular mass. The term was coined in 1833 by Jöns Jacob Berzelius, though with a definition distinct from the modern IUPAC definition. The modern concept of polymers as covalently bonded macromolecular structures was proposed in 1920 by Hermann Staudinger, who spent the next decade finding experimental evidence for this hypothesis.
Polymer is a software library used to define and style Web Components. The library is developed by Google. Modern design principles are implemented as a separate project using Google's Material Design design language.
Public development of Polymer began in Nov 14, 2013 with the release of a Promises Polyfill. This steadily expanded into a web design library covering visual styling guidelines (via Material Design), data binding, and a large number of "Core" and "Paper" web components. Core components were originally envisioned to encompass generic functionality that would be essential to most websites, while Paper components were intended to provide more specialized components with Material Design concepts forming a key part of their design. A major milestone was reached with the release of Version 0.5, which was considered the first version of the project ready for use by early adopters.
Google continued to revise the design of Polymer after the release of 0.5, with special consideration given to the performance issues a number of developers found issue with. This culminated with the release of Polymer 1.0 in 2015, which was the first "production ready" version of the library. Version 1.0 significantly improved the performance of Polymer, reducing load times by up to 7 times. With version 1.0 Google split the elements from the Polymer project to clearly distinguish the elements catalog from the Polymer polyfill & webcomponents-sugaring library.
All the buzzing in my head seems to come from one
singular source: all the angry bodyparts.
How do they think they're free when they're controlled
by me?
I slam the door, and that's when the buzzing starts.
You don't know me. Just hope you never do.
I can't wait for the time I step through.
Taste the moment, its bitter as it sheds.
All the mirrors reflect how it will soon be.
Watch all the pin expand with just a wave of my hand.
I nod, they fall away.
And with my mind in rewind everything I see
disappears and is replaced by yesterday's
visions of Glory, though a little gory they may be,
but that's okay. They're all mine anyway.
I devour what doesn't feel right.
All the buzzing helps me focus on
the reflections, and what they mean to me.
When the parts become one, the time will be here.
Watch all the pin expand with just a wave of my hand.
I nod, they fall away.
Pale one, an abomination.
So much more than the sum of their parts.
When we step out of out weak little flesh-suits
we will gain the power of our ancestors.
I feel the transformation come into me.
I feel the transformation with it's pros and cons, the
Rage is on.
The delirium rapes your head, despite the tears you
And now, as you take your last breath I'm the last face
you see.
Now you know the real me.
I was created to do battle.
A defender of the Wyld things.
Tarry not in our sacred hallways -
hear the buzzing and know that youe ending.
Watch all the pins expand with just a wave of my hand.