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The Poleň village is situated in the southwestern part of Czech Republic in the middle of Europe. On the date 2008-12-31 there were 295 inhabitants (in all of its parts). There are seven parts of the Municipality of Poleň: villages Poleň, Mlýnec, Poleňka, Pušperk and Zdeslav and the settlements Čekanice and Liška.
This place lies in 458 metres above sea level in the valley of the Poleňka Stream. From the eastern and southern side bordered with the Bítovy mountains with the peaks Doubrava (727 m), Malý Bítov (668 m) and Velký Bítov (713 m).
The nearest neighbours of Poleň are Pušperk, Poleňka and Slatina on North, Drslavice on East, Mlýnec and Zdeslav on Southwest and Černíkov on West.
The first written reference about the village comes from 1245. . In the sheet which illustrates the disposal of Újezd Přeštický to Monastery of Kladruby by Queen Kunhuta, Blažej ze Švihova, the son of Budivoj of Švihov as an approver has been mentioned. Afterwards when the Pušperk Castle (originally known as Fuchsberg) had been built close to Poleň, the village was sharing the destiny of this castle for centuries.
The "pulley" (in Spanish: poleá) is a typical recipe of Andalusian cuisine, particularly Seville, Huelva and Cadiz. It is a variant of porridge typical of those used to consume in poor years (It was a common dish during the Spanish Civil War).
The dish is made with water, flour, salt, anise, milk and sugar. Other ingredients (such as fruit, honey or cinnamon) are sometimes added. It is usually served with fried bread.
A terminal is the point at which a conductor from an electrical component, device or network comes to an end and provides a point of connection to external circuits. A terminal may simply be the end of a wire or it may be fitted with a connector or fastener. In network analysis, terminal means a point at which connections can be made to a network in theory and does not necessarily refer to any real physical object. In this context, especially in older documents, it is sometimes called a pole.
The connection may be temporary, as seen in portable equipment, may require a tool for assembly and removal, or may be a permanent electrical joint between two wires or devices.
All electric cells have two terminals. The first is the positive terminal and the second is the negative terminal. The positive terminal looks like a metal cap and the negative terminal looks like a metal disc. The current flows from the positive terminal, and out through the negative terminal, replicative of current flow (positive (+) to negative (-) flow).
Frenchie is a 1950 American film of the western genre, directed by Louis King and starring Shelley Winters, Joel McCrea and Marie Windsor. The plot is loosely based on the western Destry Rides Again.
Frank Dawson is killed in the town of Bottleneck by his double-crossing partner Jack Lambert, leaving a young girl without a father. For the next 15 years, she lives in orphanages and works for the Fontaines, originally from Paris, earning her the nickname "Frenchie."
Now grown, she makes a fortune running a casino in New Orleans, then returns to Bottleneck to finally try to find her father's killer. She buys the casino the Scarlet Angel but learns that sheriff Tom Banning has cleaned up the town, forcing gamblers to go to nearby Chuckaluck, where the man in charge is Lambert.
Frenchie gets in touch with Lance Cole, a man who helped her in New Orleans, and asks him to come to Bottleneck to run the Scarlet Angel with her. Lambert's gambling interests are threatened, so he plans to ambush Cole's stage. Tom intervenes and prevents bloodshed.
The French Bulldog is a small breed of domestic dog. "Frenchies" were the result in the 1800s of a cross between bulldog ancestors imported from England and local ratters in Paris (France).
In 2014 they were the fourth most popular registered dog in the United Kingdom and in the U.S. the ninth most popular AKC registered dog breed.
The origin of the modern French Bulldog breed descends directly from the dogs of the Molossians, an ancient Greek tribe. The dogs were spread throughout the ancient world by Phoenician traders. British Molossian dogs were developed into the Mastiff. A sub-family of the Mastiff were the Bullenbeisser, a type of dog used for bull-baiting.
Blood sports such as bull-baiting were outlawed in England in 1835, leaving these "Bulldogs" unemployed. However, they had been bred for non-sporting reasons since at least 1800, and so their use changed from a sporting breed to a companion breed. To reduce their size, some Bulldogs were crossed with terriers, while others were crossed with pugs. By 1850 the Toy Bulldog had become common in England, and appeared in conformation shows when they began around 1860. These dogs weighed around 16–25 pounds (7.3–11.3 kg), although classes were also available at dog shows for those that weighed under 12 pounds (5.4 kg).
Jean-Paul DuChamp, typically referred to as Frenchie, is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe. He is primarily seen as the pilot and sidekick to Moon Knight.
The character first appeared in Werewolf by Night #32, in August 1975, which also featured the first appearance of Moon Knight. The character would next appear in The Defenders issue 49, in July 1977, becoming a recurring character in the 1980 Moon Knight series, and the 1989 series Marc Spector: Moon Knight. The character also played a significant role in the 2006 Moon Knight series and was also featured in the 2009 series Vengeance of the Moon Knight.
Frenchie was originally romantically involved with a woman named Isabelle Kristel, but she later left him. After this, he became a mercenary, where he encountered Marc Spector and Bushman. Once Spector became Moon Knight, Frenchie helped him fight Bushman, who had betrayed them. He would later design and build Moon Knight’s Mooncopter.
[Belle] Ville sage, sur un petit nuage,
Où les jours se tiennent immobiles.
Où les gens, dès le matin, bavardent
De tout et de rien.
[Les Villageois] - Bonjour !
- Bonjour !
- Bonjour !
- Bonjour !
- Bonjour !
[Belle] Le boulanger porte son plateau bien garni
Du bon vieux pain de son fournil.
Depuis qu'on est arrivés,
Les gens me sont étrangers,
Dans les rues qui pleurent d'ennui.
[Le Boulanger] - Oh, bonjour Belle.
[Belle] - Bonjour Monsieur.
[Le Boulanger] - Où est-ce que tu vas ?
[Belle] - Chez mon ami le libraire.
- Je viens de terminer une merveilleuse histoire,
- A propos d'un ogre, du Roi, des haricots ...
[Le Boulanger] - Très intéressant ... Marie, les baguettes ! Et que çà saute !
[Les Villageois] La tête ailleurs et ce p'tit air audacieux
D'un chat sauvage sous une ombrelle.
Elle ne parle pas notre langage.
Elle est toujours dans les nuages.
[Les Villageois] C'est bien vrai qu'elle est étrange, Mademoiselle Belle !
[Les Villageois] Bonjour !
Bonjour !
Salue la famille !
Bonjour !
Bonjour !
Embrasse ta femme!
Il m' faut six oeufs !
Tu veux nous ruiner !
[Belle] Je veux vivre autre chose que cette vie !
[Le Libraire] - Ah, Belle !
[Belle] - Bonjour ! Je rapporte le livre que je vous ai emprunté.
[Le Libraire] - Comment çà ? Déjà !
[Belle] - Oui ! Je l'ai dévoré en une nuit.
- Vous avez quelque chose d'autre ?
[Le Libraire] - Eh eh eh ...
- Depuis hier ? Non, hélas !
[Belle] - Ça ne fait rien, je prendrai ...
[Le Libraire] - Eh eh eh ...
[Belle] - ... celui-là !
[Le Libraire] - Celui-là ? Mais tu l'as déjà lu deux fois !
[Belle] - C'est mon préféré !
- J'aime les romans de capes et d'épées ...
[Le Libraire] - Eh eh eh ...
[Belle] - ... pleins de magie et de Princes ensorcelés
[Le Libraire] - Et bien, si tu l'aimes tellement, je t'en fait cadeau !
[Belle] - Mais monsieur ...
[Le Libraire] - J'insiste !
[Belle] - Oh! Merci, merci infiniment !
[Les Villageois] La tête ailleurs avec des rêves plein les yeux,
On ne sait pas quoi penser d'elle.
Elle est toujours l'air absent
Ou plongée dans ses romans.
Quel mystère pour nous que cette Mademoiselle Belle !
[Belle] C'est le plus beau des romans
Et tout ce passage m'enchante, tu vois !
Elle rencontre le prince charmant
Mais elle ne l'apprend pas avant le chapitre trois !
[Le Chapelier] Il faut bien dire qu' son nom
Lui va comme un gant
Car sa beauté est sans pareil.
[La cliente chauve] Mais sous son visage d'ange,
Elle est quand même très étrange.
C'est vrai qu'elle ne ressemble à personne.
Non, elle ne ressemble à personne.
[Les Villageois] Cette fille ne ressemble à personne,
C'est Belle !
[Le Fou] - Ouah ! Tu ne rates jamais ta cible, Gaston !
- T' es le plus grand chasseur du monde !
[Gaston] - Le meilleur !
[Le Fou] - Aucune bête n'a la moindre chance de gagner contre toi !
- Ah ah !
- Aucune fille non plus d'ailleurs !
[Gaston] - Aucune, Le Fou, et j'ai jeté mon dévolu sur cette délicieuse enfant.
[Le Fou] - La fille de l'inventeur ?
[Gaston] - Exactement !
- C'est l'heureuse élue que je vais épouser.
[Le Fou] - Euh, mais ...
[Gaston] - La plus belle fille de la ville,
[Le Fou] - Sans doute mais ...
[Gaston] - La seule qui soit assez belle et qui a la chance d'être choisie par moi !
[Le Fou] - Oui, bien sÃ'r ! Mais comment est-ce tu ... ?
[Gaston] A l'instant même où je l'ai vue, ingénue,
Je suis tombé amoureux d'elle.
Elle est la seule, ici-bas,
Que je trouve digne de moi.
Et je compte bien épouser cette demoiselle !
[3 Filles blondes] Il est divin, il est à frémir,
Monsieur Gaston, quel beau garçon.
Mon coeur s'emballe, je vais défaillir.
Y a qu' lui pour vous donner le grand frisson.
[Les Villageois] - Bonjour
[Gaston] - Pardon !
[Les Villageois] - Ça va ?
- Mais oui !
[Gaston] - Gardez votre poisson !
[Les Villageois] - Je veux des saucisses ...
- Une part ...
- Dix mètres ...
- ... de Brie ...
[Gaston] - Pardon !
[Les Villageois] - ... et bien servie.
[Gaston] - Vous permettez !
[Les Villageois] - Le pain ...
- Les soles ...
- ... est sec !
- ... sont vertes !
- Mettez vos lunettes !
[Belle] Je veux vivre autre chose que cette vie !
[Gaston] Je ferai, pour Belle, un excellent mari !
[Les Villageois] La tête ailleurs perdue dans son univers,
C'est une étrange demoiselle.
Elle est fantasque et bizarre.
Un fossé nous sépare.
C'est vrai qu'elle ne ressemble à personne.
Non, elle ne ressemble à personne.
Cette fille ne ressemble à personne,
C'est Belle !