Plot generator
A plot generator is a fictional plot device which permits the generation of plots for an extended serial without requiring a great deal of logical connection between the episodes. A plot generator is found in any set-up which will produce an ongoing series of new cases, issues, etc., as in detective or police serials (incoming criminal cases); medical drama (incoming medical cases); and so on. Even more broadly, "what if" stories can permit writers to introduce any idea they want, as in The Twilight Zone; for obvious reasons, this type of plot generator is found generally in the science fiction and fantasy genres, especially in episodic series which have a villain of the week format.
Examples of plot generators
The idea of plot generators is explored by Nick Lowe in his article "The Well Tempered Plot Device". Examples he gives include "red kryptonite", which has an unpredictable effect on Superman for 48 hours (conveniently the time period covered by most episodes).
The TARDIS in Doctor Who is the epitome of a plot generator, in that it can take the Doctor anywhere in space and time, where he can encounter anything the writers want him to encounter, from aliens in outer space to famous historical figures.