Plebe summer
Plebe Summer is the summer training program which is required of all incoming freshmen to the United States Naval Academy. The program lasts approximately 6 weeks and consists of rigorous physical and mental training. The stated purpose of Plebe Summer according to the Academy is to "turn civilians into midshipmen".
Induction Day
Plebe Summer begins at the end of June or the beginning of July, and is called Induction Day or "I-Day". On I-Day, all the candidates say goodbye to their parents. Upon entering Alumni Hall they are greeted by the upper-class trainers, known as Detailers, who immediately begin the military indoctrination process by requiring the Plebes to address them with Sir or Ma'am "sandwiches" (e.g. "Sir, yes, sir"). Each Plebe is assigned an "Alpha Number" which is their identifying serial number that they will use for the rest of their Academy career.
The Plebes line up throughout Alumni Hall to receive standard issue gear which includes several uniforms, combat boots, running sneakers and a copy of Reef Points (the book which they must become familiar with over the course of the summer). All the male Plebes have their hair shaved off by Navy barbers and the females have their hair cut to a length which is considered up to military specifications.