Ulver (Norwegian for "wolves") are a Norwegian experimental musical collective founded in 1993, by vocalist Kristoffer Rygg. Their early works, such as debut album Bergtatt, were categorised as folklore-influenced black metal, but have since evolved a fluid and increasingly eclectic musical style, blending genres such as rock, electronica, symphonic and chamber traditions, noise and experimental music into their oeuvre. 1997 marked their international debut with the release of their third album Nattens madrigal through German label Century Media. However, following discord with the label, Kristoffer Rygg formed his own imprint Jester Records in 1998. British composer and multi-instrumentalist Daniel O'Sullivan joined the collective in 2009, and the band performed some of their first live concerts in their 15-year lifespan, including the prestigious Norwegian National Opera.
Ulver have sold in excess of half a million records, have well over 11,000,000 plays on Last.fm, been twice nominated for the Norwegian Grammy Awards, Spellemannsprisen, in different categories, won Album of the Year at the Oslo Awards for Shadows of the Sun in 2008, won the NATT&DAG award for Best Live Act in 2011, and earned a global reputation for stylistic unpredictability.<ref name=""UlverBiographyAllMusic">All Music. "Ulver Biography". Retrieved 2014-05-10. </ref>
[plates 5-6]
Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak
enough to be restrained;
and the restrainer or reason usurps its place & governs
the unwilling.
And being restrain'd, it by degrees becomes passive,
till it is only the shadow of desire.
The history of this is written in Paradise Lost,
& the governor or reason is call'd Messiah.
And the original Archangel, or possessor of the command
of heavenly host,
Is call'd the Devil or Satan, and his children are
call'd Sin & Death.
But in the book of Job, Milton's Messiah is call'd
For this history has been adopted by both parties.
It indeed appear'd to reason as if desire was
cast out,
but the Devil's account is, that the Messiah fell &
formed a heaven of what He stole from the abyss.
This is shewn in the gospel, where He prays to the
Father to send the comforter, or desire, that reason
have ideas to build on,
the Jehovah of the bible being no other than (the
Devil den).
He who dwells in flaming fire, know that after Christ's
death, he became Jehovah.
But in Milton, the father is destiny, the son, a
ratio of the five senses, & the holy-ghost, vacuum!
Note: the reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote
of angels & God.
And at liberty whenof devils & hell, is because he was
a true poet and of the Devil's party without knowing