A piscivore /ˈpɪsᵻvɔər/ is a carnivorous animal which eats primarily fish. Piscivorous is equivalent to the Greek-derived word ichthyophagous. Fish were the diet of early tetrapods (amphibians); insectivory came next, then in time, reptiles added herbivory.
Some animals, such as the sea lion and alligator, are not completely piscivorous, often preying on aquatic invertebrates or land animals in addition to fish, while others, such as the bulldog bat and gharial, are strictly dependent on fish for food. Humans can live on fish-based diets as can their carnivorous domesticated pets, such as dogs and cats. The name "piscivore" is derived from the Latin word for fish, piscis. Some creatures, including cnidarians, octopi, squid, spiders, sharks, cetaceans, grizzly bears, jaguars, wolves, snakes, turtles, and sea gulls, may have fish as significant if not dominant portions of their diets.
Gentle precipitation
Tactile screams stimulation
Keeping in touch
Inside a deep vibration
Outside try to be patient
Saving the good stuff
It's more a bold expression
Once more a golden lesson... it's too much
Never a disappointment
Always feel like I'm joining inside me
Moving right along
In your arms
Proving me wrong every time
Do you belong to the wind?
Left hand behind your head and right hand embrace you as you moan
Deep breath I feel your legs wrapped around me tightly and hold
Slowly fading into the past
Brief encounter and it might be the last