Pinova is a German apple cultivar. It was created in 1965 at the Institut für Obstforschung of Dresden–Pillnitz in Saxony which at that time was in the German Democratic Republic. After Germany was re-united in 1990, the rights to the cultivar passed to the Free State of Saxony.
Pinova is a hybrid between Clivia and Golden Delicious. Clivia is a hybrid of Geheimrat Dr. Oldenburg and Cox's Orange Pippin. Pinova may also be called Corail, Piñata or Sonata.
Pinova is a high-yield variety with little tendency towards biennial bearing; it has good resistance to scab and is a good pollinator for many varieties. The fruit stores well. It has some of the taste of Cox's, the coloration of Oldenburg and the shape of Golden Delicious.
Pinova is planted commercially in Europe. In the United States it is patented, and may be sold under the brand-name "Piñata".
Osecam se ko animir dama
Meni ljudi narucuju pice
Mozda zvuci kao melodrama
Ali ja sam ipak ljudsko bice
Prcaju me skoro svi u glavu
Ja to trpim, zato su u pravu
Moze na kredit, moze dzabe
Mogu gospoda, mogu barabe
Tu, u hotelu, blizu zeleznicke stanice
Vole me svi koji predju preko granice
Nesto sam slabiji na domacem terenu
Iako imam jeftiniju cenu
Ja sam samo kurva, duplo golo
Ja sam malo dete
Ja, velika nula, duplo golo
Od glave do pete
Ja, ich aum mein bahnhoff
Dass ist eine kleine bar
Dankeschon, au wiedersehen