
In electronics, a pinout (sometimes written "pin-out") is a cross-reference between the contacts, or pins, of an electrical connector or electronic component, and their functions.


The functions of contacts in electrical connectors, be they power- or signaling-related, must be specified in order for connectors to be interchangeable. When connected, each contact of a connector must mate with the contact on the other connector that has the same function. If contacts of disparate functions are allowed to make contact, the connection may fail and damage may result. Therefore, pinouts are a vital reference when building and testing connectors, cables, and adapters.


While one usage of the word pin is to refer to electrical contacts of, specifically, the male gender, its usage in pinout does not imply gender: the contact-to-function cross-reference for a connector that has only female socket contacts is still called a pinout.


The pinout can typically be shown as a table or diagram, though it is necessary to clarify how to view the diagram, stating if it shows the backside of the connector (where wires are attached) or the "mating face" of the connector. Published pinouts, which are particularly important when different manufacturers want to interconnect their products using open standards, are typically provided by the connector or equipment manufacturer. Some pinouts are provided by 3rd parties since some connectors are not well documented by the manufacturer.



Un Tipo De Indulgencia

by: Panda

Tu y yo amor y odio
Tu me tratas de un mal modo
Parece que estoy en un mal sueño pero en verdad
eres mi dueño
Otra vez a cocinar
¿Quieres un pastel o un pay?
Tengo que aprender como mezclarlo con el placer
De chocolate o de limón
Cualquiera causa tentación
Muy importante el betún
Para el cuidado de salud, de nuestra salud
Y Recuerda que vivimos siempre en un infierno
Tu problema es la obsesión, ¿o es nuestro?
Pecaremos contra los estándares del bello
Solo por un buen sazón al corazón
Yo no se si aguantaremos
No se cuanto tiempo tenemos
Solo se que junto a ti estoy atado y no puedo irme lejos
Quiero ya tirar mi cruz
Quiero eterna juventud
Por lo pronto hay que ir hojeando el menú u-u-u
Para empezar un buen sirlon
Con mucha grasa y guarnición
Mesero tráigase licor
Para callar a esta voz que escucho en mi interior
Y recuerda que vivimos siempre en un infierno
Tu problema es la obsesión, ¿o es nuestro?
Pecaremos contra los estándares del bello
