Pinna rudis, the rough pen shell or spiny fan-mussel, is a species of bivalve mollusc in the family Pinnidae. It is the type species of the genus Pinna. Knowledge about this is sparse, with an absence of specific studies and literature.
P. rudis has a shell that commonly reaches a length of 25–30 cm (9.8–11.8 in). The rough pen shell has a pair of very fragile, long, triangular, wedge–shaped valves, covered with large, protruding scales arranged in quite regular rows. These scales are more prominent close to the opening of the shell. A half-dozen low ribs radiate from the pointed end and run the length of the valves. Said valves are almost symmetrical, toothless, and transparent on the ends. Their color is usually reddish brown.
The spiny fan-mussel lives with the pointed anterior end of its shell vertically anchored to rock or firm sediment by numerous byssus threads. The rear edge of the shell is rounded and free.
P. rudis may be confused with juveniles of Pinna nobilis, but the former shows a more triangular and robust shell, with fewer and larger protruding scales. Moreover in P. rudis, the color is more brown or pink-orange, while in juveniles P. nobilis, it is homogeneously yellowish. Lastly, the adults of P. nobilis easily exceed the size of P. rudis and totally lose the protuberances on the surface of the shell. Also, the habitats of the two species are different, as P. nobilis can be found on muddy or sandy bottoms, while P. rudis prefers rock crevices.
Take all the sentiments
Of a cold blooded cynic
So believe me when I say,
I would love nothing more.
Than for everything,
To end unpleasantly
Concrete shoes, rising tides,
Grey skies, Let none survive.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
I would rather see your face in Hell
Than speak another word
Of this perfect world.
I would rather see your face in Hell
Than speak another word
Of this perfect world, Ohh
Of this perfect world.
Oh, to be buried beneath the waves,
A sailors grave is all I crave.
Bury me (bury me),
5000 fathoms deep,
And leave my bones,
For the depths.
The serpent's teeth await our skin.
The serpent's teeth await...
Blood runs through,
Upon our worthless existence.
The Devil's teeth (the Devil's teeth),
The Devil's teeth,
Beneath our skin.
Whispering of silent vengeance.
Blood debts remain unpaid.
Now every breath of life
Has been betrayed.
Every ideal
Has rusted through.
Nothing we hold brings solace,
Feed us to the sharks.
So let nothing remain,
Feed us to the sea.
To be buried,
Beneath the waves.
A sailors grave it's all I crave.
Bury me (bury me),
5000 fathoms deep.
And leave my bones,
For the depths.
There's blood in the water,
(Sinking, always, sinking).
There's blood in the water,
(Sinking, always, sinking).
There's blood,
In the water.
I would rather see your face in Hell
Than speak another word