Pindos Pony
The Pindos pony (Greek αλογάκι της Πίνδου) is a pony native to the Pindus mountain range in Thessaly and Epirus, Greece. It is also known as the Thessalonian.
The Pindos pony is now probably somewhat different from its ancestors, who are believed to have been largely oriental types and horses brought from the Scythian people, who were well known for their horsemanship. The Pindos pony is probably a direct descendant of the old Thessalonian breed which was developed by the Greeks and was noted for its courage and beauty.
Breed Characteristics
They are typically very sure-footed and are still used to perform many of the tasks around the local people's small holdings. These may range from agricultural work, ploughing the land, working in harness to transport goods, as a pack pony, and also for riding. They have great endurance and stamina and have an extremely sound constitution. The ponies are frugal and can live on minimal rations, are extremely long lived and have very sound legs and feet, rarely going lame. Pindos mares are often used to breed a good stamp of working mule.