The Pindaris (also spelled Pendharis) or Free Companions (Marathi: पेंढारी ; Hindi piṇḍārī, पिण्डारी / पिंडारी) were dispersed throughout the Maratha states and were countenanced and protected by the Maratha chiefs to whom they acted as agents for supplying all the commissariat required by their armies. They were composed of different tribes who congregated solely for purposes of plunder. They came into existence during the 18th century when the Mughal Empire was breaking up. The Pindaris were loosely organized under self-chosen leaders, and each group was usually attached to one or other of the Maratha leaders. Their main characteristic was that they received no pay, but rather purchased the privilege of plundering on their own account.
The term Pindar may derive from pinda, an intoxicating drink, or from Pandhar, a village in Nimar, or from pinda, a bundle of fodder carried by the Pindara. Another possible derivation is from pindā-paṛna (to follow close by) or pindā-basne (to stick close to).
I see you had your mind all made up you group of
Pitiful liars. Before I woke to face the day, your master
Plan transpired. -Something told me- this job had more to
Meet the eye. My song is not believed? My words some-
What deceiving? Now I'm unwhole.
You've waged a war of nerves
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.
You cry for compensation. I ask you please just give
5 minutes alone.. Just give us, 5 minutes alone
I read your eyes, your mind was made up. You took me for
A fool. You used complexion of my skin for a counter
Rascist tool. -You can't burn me- I've spilled my guts
In the past. Taken advantage of because you know where
I've come. My past.
You've waged a war of nerves
But you can't crush the kingdom
Can't be what your idols are. Can't leave the scar.
I bury your compensation. I ask you please just give