In ancient Greece, a phratry (phratria, Greek: φ(ρ)ατρία, "brotherhood", "kinfolk", derived from φρατήρ meaning "brother") was a social division of the Greek tribe (phyle). The nature of these phratries is, in the words of one historian, "the darkest problem among the [Greek] social institutions." Little is known about the role they played in Greek social life, but they existed from the Greek Dark Ages until the 2nd century BC; Homer refers to them several times, in passages that appear to describe the social environment of his times.
In Athens, enrollment in a phratry seems to have been the basic requirement for citizenship in the state before the reforms of Cleisthenes in 508 BC. From their peak of prominence in the Dark Ages, when they appear to have been a substantial force in Greek social life, phratries gradually declined in significance throughout the classical period as other groups (such as political parties) gained influence at their cost.
Phratries contained smaller kin groups called gene; these appear to have arisen later than phratries, and it appears that not all members of phratries belonged to a genos; membership in these smaller groups may have been limited to elites. On an even smaller level, the basic kinship group of ancient Greek societies was the oikos (household).
Well if I was a satellite
I'd watch you when you sleep
And if I was an undertow
I'd drag you to the deep
And if I was a prison
I would hide you in my walls
And if I was an angel
I would catch you when you fall
It's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Long way to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
It's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Up there to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
And I will give you everything I have
If I had anything at all
And if I was a memory
I'd creep into your mind
And if I was a tourniquet
I'd never let you die
It's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Long way to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
And it's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Up there to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
And I would give you everything I had
If I had anything at all
Anything at all
It's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Long way to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
Anything at all
And it's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Up there to heaven
But it's okay cause we're singing with the angels
Anything at all
It's such a cold day
Down here in hell
And it's a long way
Long way to heaven
But it's okay
'Cause we're singing with the angels
Anything at all
If I was a hurricane
I'd blow your world apart
All over the world
Winners are cheating
Losers are weeping
Take anything at all
All over the world
Lovers are killing
Suckers are willing