Phlius (/ˈflaɪəs/; Ancient Greek: Φλειοῦς, Phleious) was a Greek city in the northwestern Argolid (now in modern Corinthia, near Nemea), in the Peloponnese, said to be named after the Greek hero Phlias but formerly called Araethyrea (/ˌærəˈθɪriə/; Ἀραιθυρέα, Araithurea).
Although geographically close to Argos, the city became a Spartan ally and a member of the Peloponnesian League.
Like many other cities of ancient Greece, Phlius fell into civil strife between a democratic and an oligarchic faction during the 4th century BCE; the democratic faction initially gained control and exiled its opponents, but in 380 BCE a Spartan army under Agesilaus laid siege to the city for some twenty months, eventually forcing the Phliasians to capitulate and accept oligarchic government.
In 229 BC Phlius was ruled by the tyrant Cleonymus, when Aratus of Sicyon convinced him to step down and let his city join the democratic Achaean League.
It was the hometown of the playwright Pratinas and of Plato's female student Axiothea of Phlius.
You were the sunshine, baby Whenever you smiled But I
call you Stormy todayAll of a sudden That ole rain's
fallin' down And my world is cloudy and gray You've gone
awayOh Stormy, Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Bring back that
sunny dayYesterday's love Was like a warm summer breeze
But, just like the weather you changed Now things are
dreary, baby And it's windy and cold And I stand alone in
the rain And I'm callin' your nameYeah Stormy, Stormy,
Stormy, Stormy Bring back that sunny dayOh, my storm Come
on back and storm Come on back and bring back that sun
againI need you Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Stormy Bring it
back, bring that sunny day, bring that sunny day Bring