“Unfortunately, we have a non-disclosure agreement that hasn’t terminated yet, but I suspect there aren’t many secrets left in this county,” Phillips said ... This project is intended to take less than a year, realistically, from today,” Phillips said.
Ridenour and Phillips, principal of Casteel High School at the time, told Student A's father that a report had been filed with the MaricopaCountySheriff's Office, Richards said, but that wasn't true.
AndersonCountyCouncil approves ordinance transfering 24 parcel of land to non profits ... "Additionally, these homes are part of a larger strategy to provide affordable housing solutions for Anderson County," Phillips said.
202309150014556 in the Register’s Office for KnoxCounty, Tennessee... ANDERSON COUNTY CHANCERY COURT ... PHILLIPS, who died October 2, 2024, were issued to the undersigned by the Clerk and Master of the Knox County Chancery Court of Knox County, Tennessee.
The Arc is a Greeley-based advocacy organization that works to help people with intellectual and development disabilities in WeldCounty and six surrounding counties. Morgan, Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Washington and Yuma... ....
For over 18 years, the company has used aviation resources based at the ColesCounty airport to support its retail operations ... The Phillips 66 Aerostars in four Extra 300s fly in formation at the Coles County Airshow Saturday.
Is HowardCounty more than a two-team race? ...Phillips emerged last spring with a phenomenal freshman season, winning Baltimore County titles in the 100 and 300 hurdles, then following it up with a 1A state championship in the 300 hurdles.