Philipp Blom
Philipp Blom (born 1970) is a historian, novelist, journalist and translator. He was born in Hamburg, Germany, grew up in Detmold, and studied in Vienna and Oxford. He holds a DPhil in Modern History from Oxford University. After living and working in London, Paris and Vienna he now lives in Los Angeles with his wife Veronica Buckley.
His historical works include To Have and To Hold, a history of collectors and collecting, and Encyclopédie (US edition: Enlightening the World), a history of the Encyclopaedia by Diderot and d'Alembert that sparked the Enlightenment in France. In The Vertigo Years, Blom argues that the break with the past that is often associated with the trauma of WWI actually had its roots in the years before the war from 1900-1914. Blom followed this with Fracture: Life and Culture in the West, 1918-1938, a cultural history of the interwar years.
Blom has published two novels: The Simmons Papers and Luxor (in German).
He has also published a guide to Austrian wines, The Wines of Austria, and an English translation of Geert Mak's Amsterdam (1999) (Blom has a Dutch mother and speaks the language as well).