In antenna theory, a phased array is an array of antennas in which the relative phases of the respective signals feeding the antennas are set in such a way that the effective radiation pattern of the array is reinforced in a desired direction and suppressed in undesired directions. The phase relationships among the antennas may be fixed, as is usual in a tower array, or may be adjustable, as for beam steering.
Phased array transmission was originally shown in 1905 by Nobel laureate Karl Ferdinand Braun who demonstrated enhanced transmission of radio waves in one direction. During World War II, Nobel laureate Luis Alvarez used phased array transmission in a rapidly steerableradar system for "ground-controlled approach", a system to aid in the landing of aircraft. At the same time, the GEMA in Germany built the PESA Mammut 1. It was later adapted for radio astronomy leading to Nobel Prizes for Physics for Antony Hewish and Martin Ryle after several large phased arrays were developed at the University of Cambridge. This design is also used for radar, and is generalized in interferometric radio antennas. In 2007, DARPA researchers announced a 16 element phased array radar antenna which was also integrated with all the necessary circuits on a single silicon chip and operated at 30–50GHz.
The project includes the world's first tristatic incoherent scatter radar system, which employs phased array technology to perform ionospheric computed tomography scanning and 3D imaging over distances of thousands of kilometers.
In addition, the project includes the world's first tristatic incoherent scatter radar system, which employs phased array technology to perform ionospheric computed tomography scanning and 3D imaging over distances of thousands of kilometers.
To detect threats, the army’s missile regiments will be equipped with new radars. Last month, Canberra ordered up to 14 multi-mission phased-array radars from Canberra-based CEA Technologies in a contract worth AUD$272 million.
To detect threats, the army’s missile regiments will be equipped with new radars. Last month, Canberra ordered up to 14 multi-mission phased-array radars from Canberra-based CEA Technologies in a contract worth AUD$272 million.
This is the first time that the IAF will induct indigenous LLTRs instead of those imported from abroad.“The Ashwini LLTR is an active electronically scanned phased array radar based on state-of-the-art solid-state technology.
Low-level Transportable Radar, LLTR (Ashwini) is an active electronically scanned phased array radar based on state-of-the-art solid state technology, the Ministry said ....