Rosalind Magee Peychaud (born 1948) is a Democratic former state representative for Louisiana House of Representatives District 91 (which she represented from 2002 to 2004). As of 2009 Peychaud became deputy chief of staff for U.S. Representative Joseph Cao, a Republican who represented Louisiana's 2nd congressional district. She serves in his New Orleans district office.[1]


Background [link]

Peychaud was born Rosalind Magee in Monticello, Mississippi, in 1948. Her father was James H. Magee Sr. (died 2002 September 18), a deacon in Monticello's Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church. Her mother was Marion Magee. Rosalind Magee Peychaud has two sisters (Catherine Magee Thompson and Regina Magee Hudson) and a brother (James H. Magee Jr.).[2] Peychaud holds a B.A. degree in educational psychology from Jackson State University and a master's degree in social work from Tulane University.[3]

NDF and other involvements [link]

Rosalind Peychaud speaks on community organizing to students at Southeastern Louisiana University's Business Perspectives Program 2009.

Peychaud is also the executive director of the New Orleans Neighborhood Development Foundation (NDF), in which role she has also been involved in the Affordable Housing Advisory Authority of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas.[4] She is a member of the New Orleans City Planning Commission, the Neighborhood Conservation District Committee (NCDC) of the City of New Orleans, and the Crescent City Connection Oversight Authority (CCCOA).[5] NDF was established in 1986 and also had offices in Jackson, Mississippi. A distinct focus of NDF in New Orleans is the area now known as the Hoffman Triangle.[6] On 2009 June 20 when NCDC made a decision with respect to two houses owned by Cao, Peychaud for ethical reasons recused herself from the vote.[7]

Hoffman Triangle [link]

File:Hoffman Triangle sign cropped.pdf Peychaud coined the term "Hoffman Triangle" during her service in the Louisiana House of Representatives. She based the term on the name of the John W. Hoffman Elementary School at the corner of South Prieur Street and Third Street, within the Hoffman Triangle. The Hoffman Triangle was, in Peychaud's own words, an area of intense "trash, drugs and blight" in the inner city of New Orleans. Conditions there naturally worsened during and after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.[8] Conditions in the Hoffman Triangle continued to concern Peychaud when she served on 2008 March 7–8 as a panelist for the Third National Summit on Equitable Development, Social Justice, and Smart Growth.[9]

BOLD political organization [link]

Peychaud is identified with the reform faction of the Orleans Parish Democratic Party and has repeatedly opposed William J. Jefferson and the Progressive Democrats. In a district which had been represented by Jefferson protégée Renée Gill Pratt, Peychaud won the seat over Jalila Jefferson-Bullock (one of William J. Jefferson's daughters) in a special election on 2002 May 4 and subsequently lost it to her in the general election of 2003 November 15.[10] Peychaud supported Karen Carter Peterson against William J. Jefferson in the 2006 Democratic primary election for Louisiana's 2nd congressional district. When Jefferson won the Democratic primary again in 2008, Peychaud joined with a number of other prominent Democrats in supporting Republican Cao, who ousted Jefferson in the 2008 general election.[11] Longstanding antagonism has characterized the relationship between the Jeffersons and Peychaud[12] —a situation which has repeatedly aligned Peychaud not only with Karen Carter Peterson but also with James Carter (no relation to Karen Carter Peterson), Jacquelyn Brechtel Clarkson, Cheryl A. Gray Evans, Stacy Head, and Helena Moreno.[13] See BOLD.

Personal life [link]

Rosalind Magee Peychaud is married to Joseph Ernest Peychaud, a descendant of Antoine Amédée Peychaud, originator of Peychaud's Bitters. Rosalind Peychaud, a Baptist, is a virtual teetotaler.

Notes [link]

  1. ^ Peychaud's bio in Leadership Directories.
  2. ^ The information appears in Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove's proclamation of 2002 September 21 as James H. Magee Sr. Day in Mississippi (proclamation dated 2002 September 20).
  3. ^ Peychaud's bio on See also Tom Bledsoe's writeup with a photo of Peychaud on the Housing Partnership Network web site (accessed 2009 May 26), Peychaud's popup bio on Gulf Coast Housing Partnership site, and Peychaud on
  4. ^ FHLB Annual Report 1997.
  5. ^ Governor Bobby Jindal Announces Appointments to the Crescent City Connection Oversight Authority, 2008 May 01; Nominee to CCCOA (Crescent City Connection Oversight Authority) by state senator Cheryl A. Gray Evans.
  6. ^ New Orleans Neighborhood Development Foundation fundraising notice published by Jackson State University (accessed 2009 May 26).
  7. ^ Jonathan Tilove, "Cao to raze blighted homes" in Times-Picayune, 2009 June 20, Saint Tammany Edition, pp. B1-B2 (web version = Cao gets go-ahead to raze 2 houses he owns. See also Karen Gadbois, "Does Joe Cao know what blight is?"
  8. ^ Ariella Cohen, "Hoffman Triangle keys Central City rebirth" in New Orleans CityBusiness, 2008 March 12 (accessed 2009 May 26). Cf. the Hoffman Triangle page on the Neighborhood Development Foundation web site. See also Neighborhood Development Foundation on
  9. ^ The conference, which occurred in New Orleans, was on the theme "Trends to Watch"; Peychaud was in the session titled Innovations and Inequities in Gulf Coast Recovery.
  10. ^ Jonathan Tilove, "Rep. Jefferson's daughter seeking promotion" in Times-Picayune, 2007 May 12 (accessed 2009 May 26). Election results for 2002 May 04; Election results for 2003 November 15.
  11. ^ Frank Donze, "Cao's Star Already Rising in D.C." in Times-Picayune, 2009 January 5, Metro Edition, pp. A1, A4. On 2009 August 05, Jefferson was indicted on 11 of 16 felony counts (details and sources in William J. Jefferson#Indictment and trial).
  12. ^ "Jefferson Family Values" on the Adrastos web site, 2007 October 17 (accessed 2009 June 18).
  13. ^ For more articles see the Rosalind Peychaud listings on
Political offices
Preceded by
Renée Gill Pratt (D)
Louisiana Legislature House District 91
(Orleans Parish)

Succeeded by
Jalila Jefferson-Bullock (D)



Wir Regieren Deutschland

by: Bushido

ft. Saad & Billy
Intro (Billy 13, Bushido):
Ey, ihr Homos
Wer von euch Pennern kann sich noch an mich erinnern?
Ihr seid immer noch alle schei?e, also bleibt weg aus unserer Stadt
Yeah, Oh
Und lasst ersguterjunge die richtigen Ansagen machen
Billy, okay
Verse 1 (Bushido):
Es gibt kein ?berleben (oh nein)
Sorry Jungs, doch ich werde mit keinem von euch Punks dar?ber reden
Ich bin kalt, guckt ich bin immer noch
Immer noch dieser Typ, der die Kinder boxt
H?rst du mein Herz schlagen, denn es pumpt Kilohertz
Kommt nach Berlin und ich verkaufe euch ein Kilo Schmerz
Ihr k?nnt euch aufregen, geht und h?ngt euch auf
Doch es ist Fakt, dass dieses Land einen Gangster braucht
Guckt, die Fans sind drauf, h?rt ihr die Kinder reden
Ich habe seit Jahren schon Koks unter den Fingern?geln
Ich bin ein Terrorist, der gerne mit Hero tickt
Das einzige, was mir jetzt auff?llt ist, wie gay du bist
Ich lasse mich blicken und verursache Hysterie
Du willst schnell sterben, komm her, ich w?sste wie
Die deutsche Jugend ist ein Fass ohne Boden
F?r mich fast so hart wie ein Tag ohne Drogen
Mir war von Anfang an klar, dass ich Neider hab’
Doch leider nimmt euch euer Gangster-Image leider keiner ab
Ich muss ins Ghetto zur?ck, falls es mit dem Rappen nicht klappt
Ein Wort gegen uns und ich steche euch ab
Hook (Billy 13):
Wer h?rt euch dann
Wir regieren Deutschland
Du musst fliehen, wenn diese beiden kommen
F?r euch ist es aus, es gibt leider kein Entkommen
Bridge (Saad, Bushido):
Machst du einen Track fragt sich jeder wieso
Mache ich einen Track freut sich jeder Idiot
Was du anf?sst landet wieder im Klo
Komm mach es wie dein Berliner Idol
Verse 2 (Saad):
Ghettorap hin, Ghettorap her
Das Leben ist nur eine gro?e Runde, wer wird Million?r, yeah
Ich bin der neue Star, Bushido meint es ernst mit Saad
Und eure deutschen Eltern kriegen jetzt nen Herzinfarkt
Sehe mich bei VIVA selbst und auch bei TRL
Dann gehe ich auf die Stra?e und verteile wieder Schellen
Es geht mir viel zu schnell, guck her, ich werde verfolgt
?berall werde ich erkannt, doch es quatscht mich keiner voll
Sie haben Angst vor Saad, sie haben Angst vor mir
Ich bin erst neunzehn Jahre alt, ihr seid pensioniert
Jetzt bin ich der, den du nie wieder bei ALDI siehst
Schei? auf eure Baggy-Pants, ich rappe in Picaldi-Jeans
Lad mich zu Shows ein, ich bin n?mlich schwer daneben
Ich bin jetzt der Held in meiner Stadt, so wie Werder Bremen
Es war unm?glich und doch ist es wahr geworden
Ich bin nach einem Jahr Rap jetzt zum Star geworden
Du bist nur Untergrund, du kommst nicht gro? raus
Wenn meine Freunde kommen ist f?r euch der Ofen aus
Es ist der Drogenrausch, eure Kinder ziehen Koks
Ersguterjunge, brr?, Carlo Cokxxx Nutten-Flow
Hook (Billy 13):
Wer h?rt euch dann
Wir regieren Deutschland
Du musst fliehen, wenn diese beiden kommen
