The population of Nepal is estimated to be 26,494,504 people based on the 2011 census, with a population growth rate of 1.596% and a median age of 21.6 years. Female median age is estimated to be 22.5 years, and male median age to be 20.7 years. Only 4.4% of the population is estimated to be more than 65 years old, comprising 681,252 females and 597,628 males. 61% of the population is between 15 and 64 years old, and 34.6% is younger than 14 years. Birth rate is estimated to be 22.17 births/1,000 population with an infant mortality rate of 44.54 deaths per 1000 live births. Life expectancy at birth is estimated to be 67.44 years for females and 64.94 years for males. The mortality rate is estimated to be 681 deaths per 100,000 people. Net migration rate is estimated to be 61 migrants per 100,000 people. According to the 2011 census, 65.9% of the total population is literate.
Nepali or Nepalese or Gurkha or Gorkhali are descendants of migrants from parts of India, Kashmir, Tibet, and parts of Burma and Yunnan, and much further traces origin to Central Asia, along with indigenous peoples.
People of Nepal is a 1967 book by Dor Bahadur Bista. The book is the first relatively comprehensive view of the vast array of Nepalese cultures, castes and ethnic groups, with descriptions of their unique customs. It is written by anthropologist Dor Bahadur Bista.
Bista visited East Nepal with Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf in the 1950s. People of Nepal contains his ethnographic notes from the visit.
University of Zurich professor Werner M. Egli wrote in his 2014 book The Sunuwar of Nepal and their Sense of Communication that People of Nepal is a "classic". Anthropologist and linguist Mark Turin, a professor at the University of British Columbia, wrote in his 2012 book A Grammar of the Thangmi Language that People of Nepal was "definitive". The Nepali Times called Bista's book a "seminal work".
Nepal (i/nəˈpɔːl/;Nepali: नेपाल [neˈpal]), officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country located in South Asia. With an area of 147,181 square kilometres (56,827 sq mi) and a population of approximately 27 million, Nepal is the world's 93rd largest country by area and the 41st most populous country. It is located in the Himalayas and bordered to the north by China and to the south, east, and west by India. Nepal is separated from Bangladesh by the narrow Indian Siliguri Corridor and from Bhutan by the Indian state of Sikkim. Kathmandu is the nation's capital city and largest metropolis.
The mountainous north of Nepal has eight of the world's ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest (Nepali: सगरमाथा Sagarmāthā). More than 250 peaks over 20,000 ft (6,096 m) above sea level are located in Nepal. The southern Terai region is fertile and humid.
Hinduism is practiced by about 81.3% of Nepalis, the highest percentage of any country. Buddhism is linked historically with Nepal and is practiced by 9% of its people, followed by Islam at 4.4%, Kiratism 3.1%, Christianity 1.4%, and animism 0.4%. A large portion of the population, especially in the hill region, may identify themselves as both Hindu and Buddhist, which can be attributed to the syncretic nature of both faiths in Nepal.
'Nepal'(नेपाल) is a surname used by Khas Brahmin people of Nepal. They are the Aryans who have Persian ancestry. Nepal's are the family descendents of Rishi or sage Ghritakaushik which is also their Gotras. Nepal are said to be Kanyakubja Brahmin which fall under category Pancha-Gauda (worldwide classification) which means 'Northern Brahmin' and under Upadhyaya Brahmin in Nepalese classification of Brahmin.
Before origin of surname Nepal, Nepals used to write their surname as Pandit or Upadhyaya. During the regime of 'Malla' King around 12th century in Khas Empire (present western Nepal) Pandit Jayabidyadhar was an advisor to the royal throne and administrator of Empire. In Khas empire there was tradition of honoring the people who dedicated their life for welfare of nation by providing them ownership rights of certain regions of Empire. Also they used to be called by name of that region. This system was known as 'Birtabarichalan' or 'Birtapratha' Following the tradition on 5th Magh, 1192 Bikram sambat (Nepalese Year) Malla king 'Akshay' Son of King 'Jitaridev' honored 2nd son of Bhagavan Bhaskar Pandit (Royal Priest) 'Jayabidyadhar Pandit' by providing him ownership of 3 different parts of empire named 'Nepa','Khaan', Barala (now lies in Western Nepal) as he dedicated his life for political and economic development empire and settling the trade dispute with Tibet. These 3 different regions were divided among sons of Jayabidyadhar Pandit where ownership of "Nepa" was granted to 1st son Sarwagyadhar Nepal. Nepa (name of region) was added to suffix aalaya (Nepa+aalaya) and then Nepal surname was introduced which was firstly used by 'Sarwagyadhar Nepal' and followed by his generations.
Nepal is a republic in Asia. The word may also refer to: