Pentaho is a company that offers Pentaho Business Analytics, a suite of open source Business Intelligence (BI) products which provide data integration, OLAP services, reporting, dashboarding, data mining and ETL capabilities. Pentaho was founded in 2004 by five founders. and is headquartered in Orlando, FL, USA. Pentaho was acquired by Hitachi in 2015 .
The Pentaho suite consists of two offerings, an enterprise and community edition. The enterprise edition contains extra features not found in the community edition. The enterprise edition is obtained through an annual subscription and includes extra support services. Pentaho's core offering is frequently enhanced by add-on products, usually in the form of plug-ins, from the company itself and also the broader community of users and enthusiasts. The table below summarizes the most popular products and plug-ins in the Pentaho ecosystem.
Server applications
Pentaho Enterprise Edition (EE) and Pentaho Community Edition (CE).