Pelion, also Pellion or Pelium (Greek: Πήλιον, Πέλλιον or Πήλεον), was a fortified settlement of the Chaonian tribe of Dexaroi, now located in Gorna Gorica (previously known as Goricë e Madhe) in Albania, on the ancient border between Epirus and Illyria. Pelium later served as a Macedonian border fortress. Sometime in 335 BC, just before the battle of Pelium, it was occupied by Dardanians, led by Cleitus of Dardania, who fought along with Glaucias of Taulanti against Alexander the Great.
Coordinates: 40°53′39.12″N 20°54′10.08″E / 40.8942000°N 20.9028000°E / 40.8942000; 20.9028000 (Gorna Gorica)