The grey rhebok or grey rhebuck (Pelea capreolus), locally known as the Vaal rhebok or Vaalribbok in Afrikaans, is a species of antelope endemic to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, and Swaziland. The specific name capreolus is Latin for 'little goat'.
The grey rhebok is a medium-sized antelope weighing 19-30 kg (42-66 lbs) with a long neck, narrow ears, and straight, sharp horns in the male. The horns are ringed at the base and are around 15-25 cm (5.9-9.8 in) long. Only the males carry the straight horns. The coat is short and dense and coloured in various shades of grey.
Confined to the higher areas of Southern Africa, they typically inhabit grassy, montane habitats - for example, sourveld - usually 1000 m above sea level, and carry a woolly grey coat to insulate them from the cold. However, they are not strictly limited to this habitat as they can be found in the coastal belt of the Cape, almost at sea level.
The grey rhebok is territorial and maintains its territory by urinating and defecating, standing or walking in an upright posture, and patrolling. Males become extremely aggressive during the breeding season. The grey rhebok usually aggregates in herds of one to 15 females and young and one mature male. This species is therefore polygynous. The grey rhebok is a seasonal breeder, with mating taking place between January and April. Females are pregnant for about seven months, and give birth to a single calf in late spring and summer (November to January in the Southern Hemisphere).
I'm counting up the tolls
That I have paid for living my life
I'm patchin up the holes
Being gouged by this mass condemnation
But I won't be responsible for the things they've said and done
And I won't be responsible for any battles lost or won
Every person in this world can drop dead except for you
Every person in this world is on their side but you
And wherever you may go
I will go
I've come in from the cold
And I'm so glad that I've found my home
I'm keepin all I hold
It's not often that you get the things you've asked for
But you can't be responsible for the things they'll take away
I won't be opposable
Don't want to fight for every day
The questions you ask me have answers
Plain and clear
I will go and leave forever on the day
They find the boy who loves you half as much as I do
And until that day I will remain and never go away
But I can't be responsible for all the things they've done to you
They won't be held accountable and there's nothing you can do
They depend on the truth
Every person in this world can drop dead except for you
Every person in this world is on their side but you
And wherever you may go