The pedosphere (from Greek πέδον pedon "soil" or "earth" and σφαίρα sfaíra "sphere") is the outermost layer of the Earth that is composed of soil and subject to soil formation processes. It exists at the interface of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The sum total of all the organisms, soils, water and air is termed as the "pedosphere". The pedosphere is the skin of the Earth and only develops when there is a dynamic interaction between the atmosphere (air in and above the soil), biosphere (living organisms), lithosphere (unconsolidated regolith and consolidated bedrock) and the hydrosphere (water in, on and below the soil). The pedosphere is the foundation of terrestrial life on this planet. There is a realization that the pedosphere needs to be distinctly recognized as a dynamic interface of all terrestrial ecosystems and be integrated into the Earth System Science knowledge base.
The pedosphere acts as the mediator of chemical and biogeochemical flux into and out of these respective systems and is made up of gaseous, mineralic, fluid and biologic components. The pedosphere lies within the Critical Zone, a broader interface that includes vegetation, pedosphere, groundwater aquifer systems, regolith and finally ends at some depth in the bedrock where the biosphere and hydrosphere cease to make significant changes to the chemistry at depth. As part of the larger global system, any particular environment in which soil forms is influenced solely by its geographic position on the globe as climatic, geologic, biologic and anthropogenic changes occur with changes in longitude and latitude.
Hell I lose my self,
I look down and feel desire
Heavens screaming for me
And I still fall
They try to learn me
But I know deep in me, inside
Standing proud are the long gone
Fighting they say that it's time
And I feel like going under ground
For I'm a seed of empty space
They tie me up
And so I know re-consisting I am
Vile legacies of ancient cults
That stick along to open wounds
That sore herein like I have
Violate with every thrust
Means dust and this time
I feel like going under ground
For I'm seed of empty space
And under the cemetery grounds
They'll all look down to catch
The last sight of my face
They all looked down
But I ran out of face
You gotta get
That good grip on denial
Like I've cut all of you motherfuckers out
Why wait?
You loved me for shit
Speak eye to eye
Off with this lie
Don't need all of your eulogy's
Your prayers too 'cuz heaven,
Peace and eternal life were
Offered to me first hand