Harding grew up on the north shore of Boston in the town of Wenham, Massachusetts. As a youth he spent a lot of time "knocking about in the woods," which he attributes to his love of nature. His grandfather fixed clocks and he apprenticed under him, an experience that found its way into his novel Tinkers. Harding has a B.A. in English from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and has taught writing at Harvard University and the University of Iowa.
After graduating from UMass, he spent time touring with his band Cold Water Flat in the US and Europe. He had always been a heavy reader and recalls reading Carlos Fuentes' Terra Nostra and thinking "this is what I want to do". In that book Harding "saw the entire world, all of history". When he next had time off from touring with the band he signed up for a summer writing class at Skidmore College in New York. His teacher was Marilynne Robinson and through her he learned about the Iowa Writers' Workshop writing program. There he studied with Barry Unsworth, Elizabeth McCracken and later Robinson. At some point he realized some of the people he admired most were "profoundly religious" and so he spent years reading theology, and was "deeply" influenced by Karl Barth and John Calvin. He considers himself a "self-taught modern New England transcendentalist".
"With the Twickenham game coming up it's an ideal opportunity for us to get used to playing on a bigger pitch because it can make a huge difference."
"We really, first and foremost, we try to make ourselves accessible. We try to make ourselves available for people to contact us. We do not present the ads in an intimidating way. We try to take the approach that we are a phone call and a friendly approach away from answering your question."
It’s hard to look at the dirty expanse of land at 540 Randolph Ave ...Paul and see much value in it ... Paul’s best amenity ... Paul residents should consider as they learn about this case. ... Paul is far behind the curve on this front ... Paul ... Paul.
TAMPA, Fla ... “It’s hard to forget that first game,” new Yankees first baseman Paul Goldschmidt, entering his 15th year in the majors, said with a smile toward the end of spring training ... ... “But I think it’s kind of hard to beat your first one.” ... Cone.
Those are big holes down the stretch, and yet they keep on rolling ... at the 4 Nations on Feb. 15 ... CoachPaulMaurice said the 36-year-old was skating hard and could be back as soon as the end of this week, if not early April ... Credit. AP/Lynne Sladky ... ....
Those are big holes down the stretch, and yet they keep on rolling ... at the 4 Nations on Feb. 15 ... CoachPaulMaurice said the 36-year-old was skating hard and could be back as soon as the end of this week, if not early April ... Overall, he has been pleased.
Meet the new boss ...Senior left guard Nate Azzopardi, a three-year captain finishing up a six-year career, has played for three Vandals’ coaches, Paul Petrino, Eck, and now Ford ... “When you are in your last year, it is hard not to have fun ... .
John Markel describes how a scammer tried really hard to scam him for extra funeral expenses after his father Charlie's obituary published. Paul Kuehnel, York Daily Record...Things, according to the court filing, “went south” from there ...
YouTuber and professional boxer JakePaul has been pretty busy these days. He defeated Mike Tyson in a heavyweight boxing match in November 2024, and he just filmed a reality television show with his family, Paul American, which drops later this week.
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Bad habits are hard to break and it's hard to imagine the Buffalo Sabres are going to figure these two out this season. They're 68 games into a campaign going nowhere, so why would they suddenly ....
Paul McCartney and his wife Nancy looked on cloud nine on ... Wearing a long-sleeved floral patterned swimsuit, Nancy could hardly contain her giggles as Paul swept her up into his arms in the water.
Sunday lunch is such a British institution it’s hard to know when it started ...PaulStuart/The Observer. What I take from all this is that ideally you should work hard for your lunch ... Paul Stuart/The Observer ... Paul Stuart/The Observer.
Leslie lays to rest this old opposition, arguing that there was “no John without Paul, and vice versa” ... This takes us into 1967, “the year when John and Paul were most in sync”, to the point where their actual voices were sometimes hard to tell apart.
“Listen to this,” I said to Paul, lost to the world as he searched for after-market parts for his vehicle. It’s hard for me to apply the word, “car,” to a three-wheeled vintage contraption, so vehicle shall have to suffice ....