Pattin (also known as Pattina, Patina and Unqi), was an ancient Luwian Syro-Hittite state at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. It was known to the Assyrians as Unqi.
It was located at the north-western cost of ancient Syria, associated with the modern-day Sanjak of Alexandretta. The capital of the state was Kinalua (Kunalua, Kalneh, or Kinaluwa), which has been tentatively associated with Tell Tayinat in modern-day Turkey.
The state was formed in the 9th century BC towards the end of the dark age period, and shared a north-western border with the Syro-Hittite state of Quwê. Khazazu (modern-day Azaz) was one of Pattin's dependencies which was invaded by Assyria around 870 BC. The frontier fortress of Aribua (associated with the modern-day region of Idlib) within the land of Lukhuti to the immediate south of Pattin was also ravaged.
Is it time to accept
Is it time to smile and rest
Is that all there is
Is it time to believe
In a theory of destinies
If it's true that the end
is nothing but
I trust it
Time to say "I'm only human"
You think it might be too late
But it's never even been time
Realize now that the ice
is meant to melt
And no one feels sorry
For the good times
Is it time to accept
Shall we smile and rest
Is it meant to be like this
If it's meant to be like this