In the United States, a patroon (English pronunciation: /pəˈtruːn/; from Dutch patroon) was a landholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland in North America. Through the Charter of Freedoms and Exemptions of 1629, the Dutch West India Company first started to grant this title and land to some of its invested members. These inducements to foster colonization and settlement (also known as the "Rights and Exemptions") are the basis for the patroon system.
The deeded tracts were called patroonships and could span 16 miles in length on one side of a major river, or 8 miles if spanning both sides. In 1640 the charter was revised to cut new plot sizes in half, and to allow any Dutch American in good standing to purchase an estate. The title of patroon came with powerful rights and privileges. A patroon could create civil and criminal courts, appoint local officials and hold land in perpetuity. In return, he was required by the Dutch West India Company to establish a settlement of at least 50 families within four years on the land. As tenants working for the patroon, these first settlers were relieved of the duty of public taxes for ten years, but were required to pay rent to the patroon. A patroonship sometimes had its own village and other infrastructure, including churches.
In the United States, a Patroon (from Dutch patroon, owner or head of a company) was a landholder with manorial rights to large tracts of land in the 17th century Dutch colony of New Netherland in North America (notably along the Hudson River in New York).
Patroon may also refer to:
Say the talk, and I won't mind
The days are caused, you know I never try
And I love you like the one I used to know
And if you never had the time
To last an ordinary problem
And I said I'd like to have a place to go
And you live, and you try
I could never find another
If you walk me to the car park, I won't go
To I live this all time
Flashing for that sees be saw you
I could love you like a sister,
But never had
Drawing circles in your concrete
I will know your every move
And I'll send ya, I'll send ya
And you live, and you try
I could never find another
If you walk me to the car park, I won't go
And we live, and we try
Live was hard on us between us
I will love you, I won't let go
We are one inside these walls, undercover
We are one inside these walls, undercover
We are one inside these walls, undercover
We are one in
We are one in
We are one
And you live, and you try
I could never find another
If you walk me to the car park, I won't go
And we live, and we try
Live was hard on us between us
I will love you, I won't let go
We are one
We are one
We are one