A pastille is a type of sweet or medicinal pill made of a thick liquid that has been solidified and is meant to be consumed by light chewing and allowing it to dissolve in the mouth. They are also used to describe certain forms of incense.
A pastille is also known as a "troche", or a medicated lozenge that dissolves like candy.
A pastille was originally a pill-shaped lump of compressed herbs, which was burnt to release its medicinal properties. Literary references to the burning of medicinal pastilles include the short story "The Birth-Mark" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the poem "The Laboratory" by Robert Browning, and the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. They are also mentioned in the novel McTeague by Frank Norris, when the title character's wife burns them to mask an unpleasant odor in the couple's rooms. In Dashiell Hammett's The Maltese Falcon, "a half-filled package of violet pastilles" are among the items found in Joel Cairo's pockets. They were also widely used during the eighteenth century in Western cultures to take herbal curatives and medicines, which eventually were developed into candies.
Scratch out the negative
'Til I don't know what it is I'm seeing
And when history starts disappearing
Then it's time for some forgetting
And I'm good at forgetting you know
And we should have said goodbye
A long time ago
There was no crime committed
There was a band that split
And they were so remote
That no one even noticed
And they were good at forgetting you know
And they should have said goodbye
A long time ago
Is there always a ghost I should remember?
Is there always a heart I can't unsever?
Are there no new songs to be learnt?