Pasila (Swedish: Böle) is a suburb in Helsinki, Finland. It is a central-northern neighbourhood, bordering Alppila to the south, Central Park (Keskuspuisto) to the west and Vallila to the east.
The eastern and western part of Pasila are separated by a large railroad classification yard, which, as Central Pasila, is currently under development planning by the city administration. The major sports and music venue Hartwall Arena is located in the junction of the two main railways.
Eastern Pasila (Finnish: Itä-Pasila) is a commercially active district with its own Pasila railway station, a Holiday Inn hotel and the Helsinki Fair Centre. It is also home to over 3,500 people. Most of the buildings in Eastern Pasila were built in the 1970s and are made of prefabricated concrete elements. Educational facilities in the area include the Helsinki Business College and Haaga–Helia University of Applied Sciences.
Western Pasila (Finnish: Länsi-Pasila) was built during the 1980s. It is a mainly residential area with approximately 4,500 inhabitants. The apartment buildings in Western Pasila are skinned with red bricks. The Finnish national broadcasting company Yle as well as the commercial MTV3 have their main premises in the northern end of the area. In the ranking of the best places where to live in Helsinki, Western Pasila is ranked 74th, and Eastern Pasila is ranked 92nd, out of 94 different parts of Helsinki.
Jefferson Anderson (Pasila) is a Finnish animated sitcom. The computer-animated series portrays a satirical view of daily events in Helsinki at a police precinct in the suburb of Pasila. The series is made by members of the same team that made the award-winning series The Autocrats, a political animated satire. In 2007, the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) sent Pasila to compete for the Rose d'Or. The show's first two seasons were later dubbed in English and are available online.
Pöysti is the main character, aged 30 or 31 years throughout the series. He is single and is always seen sucking on a pacifier. Pöysti's modus operandi can be described as psychological: He finds the sore spots of criminals by going through several options and uses them to crack the perps – or not. Sometimes he goes for overkill, like provoking people to jump off the roof or arresting innocent people without grounds.
Niech nie ide sam
Zagram ci piosenki
Napisane w snach
To czary niewinne
Me jedyne dary
Matulo kochana
Jestem tak stary
Ej zabierz mnie daleko
Az po szczescia kres
Bede szedl za toba
Tak jak wierny pies
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche mi zalezy
Kiedy widze ciebie
Zapominam siebie
Za ciebie I za mnie
Za zadne pieniadze
Serca nie poskapie
I juz nie zabladze
Slyszalem ze kwitnie
Na szczycie beztroski
Szczescia bezmiar wielki
I male radostki
Ej zabierz mnie ze soba
Niech nie ide sam
Namaluje slonce
Potem caly swiat
Zakopie sie w tobie
I troche pomoge
Jak sercem pokarmisz
I ze mnie nie zadrwisz
Wylecze twe rany
I dla cie zaspiewam
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche tu posiedze
Poczekam na ciebie
Zanim tu nie przyjdziesz
Daj mi jakis znak