There is a difference between the creation and control of charged particle beams and neutral particle beams, as only the first type can be manipulated to a sufficient extent by devices based on electromagnetism. The manipulation and diagnostics of charged particle beams at high kinetic energies using particle accelerators are main topics of accelerator physics.
... that would smash particles at eight times the energy of the LHC ... Much of the required technology doesn't exist yet, including superconducting magnets strong enough to bend high-energy particle beams.
... a radioactive ion beam ... The experiment was conducted at TRIUMF, Canada’s national particle accelerator center, where a beam of strontium-94 ions was accelerated and directed toward the helium targets.
... Weakly Interacting Massive Particles, or WIMPs ... Nor can the phenomenon be explained by cosmic rays, powerful beams of energetic particles that zip throughout the universe at nearly the speed of light.
These panels generate electricity using solar energy, which could then be converted to microwave radiation and beamed down to Earth. Close-up illustration of atomic particle for nuclear energy imagery. Image source. Ezume Images/Adobe...Don'tMiss ... .
Described in a paper published in Physical Review Letters, this achievement addresses one of the grand challenges of particle accelerator and beam physics and opens the door for new discoveries in a ...
Lastly, in the atomic structure of steel beams. ... Looking at a steel beam it seems inconceivable that it is composed of atomic particles which are in motion… ... our way of understanding steel beams.
Scientists have taken a giant leap forward in particle physics by creating an electron beam with five times more peak current than any similar beam ever produced ... Traditional methods rely on microwave fields to compress and focus the beam.