Paradise Now (Arabic: الجنّة الآن) is a 2005 film directed by Hany Abu-Assad about two Palestinian men preparing for a suicide attack in Israel. It won a Golden Globe for best foreign language film and was nominated for an Academy Award in the same category.
"The film is an artistic point of view of that political issue," Abu-Assad said. "The politicians want to see it as black and white, good and evil, and art wants to see it as a human thing."
Paradise Now follows Palestinian childhood friends Said and Khaled who live in Nablus and have been recruited for suicide attacks in Tel Aviv. It focuses on what would be their last days together.
Their handlers from an unidentified resistance group tell them the attack will take place the next day. The pair record videos glorifying God and their cause, and bid their unknowing families and loved ones goodbye, while trying to behave normally to avoid arousing suspicion. The next day, they shave off their hair and beards and don suits in order to look like Israelis. Their cover story is that they are going to a wedding.
Paradise Now is the seventh album by German band Die Krupps. It was released in 1997. Its the last album prior to the bands 8 year break-up. Guitars take a more dominant role than on previous Die Krupps albums.
All lyrics written by Jürgen Engler, all music composed by Engler and Lee Altus, except where noted.
'Fire' was released prior to the album release and its promo video was played on music television stations several times. The single contained the original version, an early mix of 'Moving Beyond', a 'Nexus Six' Remix of 'Fire', and an extended version of 'Language Of Reality (Charlie Clouser Remix)' previously released on 'The Final Remixes'. 'Rise Up' received 3 different promo videos, all based on live footage recorded in Berlin, Germany on 6th June 1997 and produced by Jörg Buttgereit; the single features the original version, a club remix of 'Rise Up' and the exclusive B-Side 'The Last Time'. 'Black Beauty White Heat' was released as the final single in autumn, a promo video was made but received minimum airplay, the single contains a video edit of the title track, the original version, and the exclusive B-Side 'Complete Control'.
Hace muchos anos,
hace algunos meses mejor dicho,
recibi una carta de un amigo mio que esta en el frente,
y me contaba, es una situacion muy actual,
y me contaba, lo que estaba viendo
que no es nada nuevo, ni nada sorprendente,
y en el ultimo parrafo, me decia algo
y tube una extrana sensacion, un extranio presentimiento,
una semana mas tarde, recibi,
recibi un telegrama de sus padres,
que me decia que habia muerto,
era un tio de puta madre, un tio muy valiente,
un tio que se llevo por delante y no se que pensareis vosotros,
una de las cosas mas tremendas y mas estupidas,
que ha inventado el hombre y que es la guerra,
yo ya el, manana a ti, pasado a mi,
hasta que nosotros, nosotros,
esta generacion y estas generaciones
no pongamos nuestro grano de arena y hagamos algo
y en el ultimo parrafo decia mas o menos esto:
Canto de aceros no quiero matar,
ultimo grito de rabia y se va,
que no me llamen cobarde traidor
partisano, partisano, partisano, partisano
Padre, Madre, un abrazo volvereee
heroes, causas, de un poder absurdo
guerra, odio, no he entendido bien porqueee
vivo, muerto, por un mundo nuevo
Me acercare hasta el valle que me vio nacer,
que amarga despedida oooh
Canto de aceros no quiero matar
ultimo grito de rabia y se va
que no me llamen cobarde traidor
partisano oooh
Patria y bandera yo os pido perdon
hoy que deserto me hacer de valor
himno de paz por el hombre que cree
partisano, oouooo, oouooo, oouooo, oouooo
Libre, libre, como el aguila sereee
muero, alto, que hay un mundo nuevo
llevame hasta el valle que me vio nacer
que niebla es esta amigo
Canto de aceros ...
Patria y bandera ...
Lejos de aqui se que descansare
me ire, me ire, te escribire mi hermano
partisano ooo
Canto de aceros ...
Patria y bandera yo os pido perdon
hoy que deserto me hacer de valor
himno de paz por el hombre que cree
partisano, ooo
Canto de aceros ...
Patria y bandera yo os pido perdon
hoy que deserto me hacer de valor
himno de paz por el hombre que cree
partisano, oouooo, eh, oouooo, barcelona
oouooo, barcelona
Lejos de aqui se que descansare
me ire, me ire, te escribire mi hermano
uo, Partisano
Cantos de aceros ...
Patria y bandera yo os pido perdon
hoy que deserto me hacer de valor
himno de paz por el hombre que cree
partisano, viva
Canto de aceros ...
oouooo, barcelona,
oouooo, barcelona,
oouooo, barcelona
Lejos de aqui se que descansare
me ire, me ire, os escribire mi hermanos