Promoe (Mårten Edh, born Nils Mårten Ed, 28 April 1976) is a Swedish rapper, and member of Swedish hip hop group Looptroop Rockers, formed in Västerås, Sweden, 1992. He released his fourth album in 2009 entitled Kråksången, and later the same year followed up with the mixtape Bondfångeri. Promoe has a background of graffiti-writing and many of his songs deal with graffiti.
Place in contemporary hip hop
Promoe released his third album in 2006, entitled White Man's Burden. This was followed with a DVD titled Standard Bearer, which includes a documentary about the development of White Man's Burden and a concert from Copenhagen.
In 2006 the German rapper Kool Savas released a diss track in which he slighted Promoe among other German and international artists. Promoe's response was the song "Sag Was" which he posted on premier German hip hop site, and was also released on a 7" LP and also on the CD of Standard Bearer in 2007. It has gone as yet without answer.
Promoe has been featured on many tracks with both Swedish and international artists. The song "These Walls Don't Lie", produced by DJ Large and mixed by Soundism, used a sample from Hugo Montenegro's "Classical Gas", which had already been known for its use in "Mama" by late New York based rapper Big Punisher.