Pantalone [pantaˈloːne], also spelled Pantaloon, is one of the most important principal characters found in commedia dell'arte. With his exceptional greed and status at the top of the social order, Pantalone is "money" in the commedia world. His full name, including family name, is Pantalon de' Bisognosi, Italian for 'Pantalone of the Needy'.
Among other things, Pantalone is a character of Venetians; his name derives from Saint Pantaleon (San Pantalone), a popular saint in Venice. The character of Pantalone is entirely based on currency and ego, for he has the highest regards for his intelligence, "but at every step he becomes the butt for every conceivable kind of trick". With little else to occupy his thoughts after a life as a tradesman or merchant, Pantalone is the metaphorical representation of money in the commedia world. Pantalone is usually the father to one of the lovers, another stock character found in commedia. He is driven to keep his child and their respective lover apart. Pantalone is presented either as a widower or bachelor, and despite his age, makes numerous passes at the women within the commedia world, "though he is always rejected". Pantalone never forgets a deal and his merit is based on actions, not words.
Te invito a tomar esta noche, un baño de luna
Te invito a pasear de la mano y hablar de lo nuestro
Te ofrezco mi mano y mi pecho,
te ofrezco mi vida de nuevo
te invito a olvidar el pasado
y hacer otro intento
Ven, la noche esta radiante y seductora
y esa luna es nuestro complice.
Ven, y quedate en mi vida para siempre.
Te invito a tomar un baño de luna
tienes que saber q te amo como a ninguna
Te invito a bailar bajo un cielo de estrellas
de que me perdones yo te quiero
yo te quiero deveras
Dejemos atras los rencores
no valen la pena
pensemos mas bien que todo esto
fue solo una prueba
Que nunca te hirieron mis dudas
que nunca hice tantas locuras
Que todo fue un sueño pensado
y nada ha pasado.