Panguingue (pronounced pan-geen-eee), Tagalog Pangginggí, also known as Pan, is a 19th-century gambling card game probably of Philippine origin similar to rummy, first described in America in 1905. It used to be particularly popular in Las Vegas and other casinos in the American southwest. Its popularity has been waning, and it is now only found in a handful of casinos in California, in house games and at online poker sites.
The deck
The game traditionally is played using a 320-card deck, constructed from eight decks of playing cards, removing all eights, nines, tens, and Jokers. In some localities, 5 or 6 decks are used, and often one set of spades is removed.
The game
Each player pays an ante one chip, called the top. The value of the top sets the value of all pays in the game. Some high-stakes games are played with a two-chip ante, which is called double tops. The rotation of dealing and playing is to the right, not to the left as in most card games. Each player receives 10 cards. Beginning with the eldest hand, each player either folds their hand (going out on top) or agrees to play. The player who folds loses their top. If all but one fold, the final player receives the tops, and the hand is over. Some games by agreement do not use an ante. Players merely pay points called "beans" to players as they play melds onto the board. If the player does not request their beans prior to discarding, the other players are not obligated to pay them.