Palomar may refer to:
Palomar (subtitled The Heartbreak Soup Stories) is the title of a graphic novel written and drawn by Gilbert Hernandez and published in 2003 by Fantagraphics Books (ISBN 1-56097-539-3). It collects work previously published within the pages of Love and Rockets (volume one). Palomar is the fictional town in Latin America where all the stories presented are set. Palomar is included in Time magazine's Best Comics of 2003 list, and in 2005 was one of Time's 100 best graphic novels of all time.
Palomar is an indie rock band out of Brooklyn, New York. The band originally formed in 1998; however, Rachel Warren is the only original member still in the band. Palomar has completed national U.S. tours every year since 2003, including a tour shared with nationally renowned indie band Mates of State. Their music has heard praise from various magazines including Pitchfork Media and The Austin Chronicle. The blend of rock music and melodic female vocals create a simple and driving pop sound reminiscent of the more popular Rilo Kiley. After three albums, two on Brooklyn indie The Self-Starter Foundation, their latest All Things, Forests was released by Misra Records on March 20, 2007.
The name is taken from the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County, California.
Tim Vesely
There he is on the top of a mount
Sharing biscuits with his dog
(Meaning "he" in the general sense of the word,
As he is all of us here).
And his dog asks him why he's alone,
He replies, "Well, I'm with my friend.
Or are you leaving me to join in the blur?
'Cause I don't need you around."
What's wrong? Where'd your dog go?
"Well, he's gone for fresh meat and supplies.
'Cause he's done this before."
He arrives in town an hour later,
As he's much quicker on four legs than Pal is on two.
He takes his usual spot out back of the butcher shop,
Waiting patiently for closing time.
Meanwhile back on the mount,
Palomar is cleaning his lenses with saline waters.
He reassembles his kaleidoscope,
And waits patiently for dog.
Why not... take this chance
To reflect on things that you done did
And make it better?
Why don't you just try without asking why?
What could be better than a room with a view
And a lovely little doggie to share it with?
"When he gets back we will share in our meat.
There's always something good to eat."
So let's leave him alone in his observatory,
Rejoin the little dog in our story.
He's run off with some cur who's bearing his pups.
That's the last of his tale.
What's wrong? Where'd your dog go?
Well, he's gone for good,
And that goes to show you
That love is thicker than brains in a man
Or a dog.