The pallium (derived from the Roman pallium or palla, a woolen cloak; pl.: pallia or palliums) is an ecclesiastical vestment in the Catholic Church, originally peculiar to the pope, but for many centuries bestowed by him on metropolitans and primates as a symbol of the jurisdiction delegated to them by the Holy See. In that context it has remained connected to the papacy.
The pallium, in its present Western form, is a narrow band, "three fingers broad", woven of white lamb's wool from sheep raised by Trappist monks, with a loop in the centre resting on the shoulders over the chasuble and two dependent lappets, before and behind; so that when seen from front or back the ornament resembles the letter Y. It is decorated with six black crosses, one on each tail and four on the loop, is doubled on the left shoulder and sometimes is garnished, back and front, with three jeweled gold pins. The two latter characteristics seem to be survivals of the time when the Roman pallium was a simple scarf doubled and pinned on the left shoulder.
In neuroanatomy, pallium refers to the layers of gray and white matter that cover the upper surface of the cerebrum in vertebrates. The non-pallial part of the telencephalon builds the subpallium. In basal vertebrates the pallium is a relatively simple three-layered structure, encompassing 3-4 histogenetically distinct domains, plus the olfactory bulb. It used to be thought that pallium equals cortex and subpallium equals telencephalic nuclei, but it has turned out, according to comparative evidence provided by molecular markers, that the pallium develops both cortical structures (allocortex and isocortex) and pallial nuclei (claustroamygdaloid complex), whereas the subpallium develops striatal, pallidal, diagonal-innominate and preoptic nuclei, plus the corticoid structure of the olfactory tuberculum. In mammals, the cortical part of the pallium registers a definite evolutionary step-up in complexity, forming the cerebral cortex, most of which consists of a progressively expanded six-layered portion isocortex, with simpler three-layered cortical regions allocortex at the margins. The allocortex subdivides into hippocampal allocortex, medially, and olfactory allocortex, laterally (including rostrally the olfactory bulb and anterior olfactory areas).
Pallium is a term used for the anatomy of animals including humans, with several different specific meanings. The adjectival form of the word is "pallial".
In invertebrate zoology "pallium" is:
The word can also be used to describe:
Je tire cent fois, sans foi ni loi
Le souffle alerte, cours ma perte
En apne, la gorge noue
Faire table rase du pass A quoi je sers ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou sommes-nous les eaux troubles
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
L'esprit amer, mes rves la mer
Je ne sais mme plus, pour qui, pourquoi ?
Je marche encore et je me bats
Soldat en vain sans lendemain
A quoi a sert ?
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande
(Je suis) lass qu'on m'appelle
Et qu'on me manque de respect
Rendez moi mon bleu ciel
Car je n'aime gure que la paix !
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que des pions ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande.
Sommes-nous l'espoir ?
Ou n'sommes nous que du vent ?
Sommes-nous l'histoire ?
La jeunesse vous demande?