Paksha (or pakṣa: Sanskrit: पक्ष), refers to a fortnight or a lunar phase in a month of the Hindu lunar calendar.
Literally meaning "side", a paksha is the period either side of the Full Moon Day (Purnima). A lunar month in the Hindu calendar has two fortnights, and begins with the New moon, (Amavasya). The lunar days are called tithis and each month has 30 tithis, which may vary from 20 – 27 hours. A paksha has 15 tithis, which are calculated by a 12 degree motion of the Moon. The first fortnight between New Moon Day and Full Moon Day is called Shukla Paksha, the period of the brightening moon (waxing moon), and the second fortnight of the month is called Krishna Paksha, or the period of the fading moon (waning moon). Nimach Panchang begin new lunar month from first day of Krishna Paksha while Gujarat Panchang begin new lunar month from first day of Shukla Paksha.
Shukla paksha refers to the bright lunar fortnight or waxing moon in the Hindu calendar. Shukla (Sanskrit: शुक्ल) is Sanskrit word for "white".
Why is it thought to be incredible by
Any of you that God could raise the dead?
And who among us is putting our confidence in,
All these fleshly earthly promises?
And why cant we simply just open up our eyes?
Cause love extends far more than words.
And what if there was so much more to this life,
On behalf of this famous name you’ve heard?
Yeshua is his name.
Believe or deny him,
You just know there’s something about that name.
Yeshua is His name.
Yeshua Ha’Mashiach!
I’m convinced neither death nor life,
Nor angels or principalities, Oh, not nothing.
Not any fears for today or worries about tomorrow,
Nor any power in the sky above or earth below.
Oh nothing in all creation could separate us from Gods love.
Through the blood of His son, Yeshua.
Who is this anointed one, many times fore told?
Who came in righteousness and power?
Who claims all our sins have all been atoned?
As he took his last breathe in the ninth hour.
No longer bound by law because He loved us all.
There isn’t a thing we could do,
To receive this grace He freely gave,
But believe by faith that this love is true.
I don’t know why,
you would deny a Love so excellent!
Maybe you’ve seen or heard his name or Word
Associated with your enemies.
That’s not Him! Don’t be deceived.
Open your eyes, dry bones come Alive,
This truth is for you!
Maybe you’ve heard He’s just a man a teacher,
Prophet, and not the Savior.