Giovanni Paisiello (or Paesiello; 9 May 1740 – 5 June 1816) was an Italian composer of the Classical era.
Paisiello was born at Roccaforzata near Taranto and educated by the Jesuits there. He became known for his beautiful singing voice and in 1754 was sent to the Conservatorio di S. Onofrio at Naples, where he studied under Francesco Durante, and eventually became assistant master. For the theatre of the Conservatorio, which he left in 1763, he wrote some intermezzi, one of which attracted so much notice that he was invited to write two operas, La Pupilla and Il Mondo al Rovescio, for Bologna, and a third, Il Marchese di Tidipano, for Rome.
His reputation now firmly established, he settled for some years at Naples, where, despite the popularity of Niccolò Piccinni, Domenico Cimarosa and Pietro Guglielmi, of whose triumphs he was bitterly jealous, he produced a series of highly successful operas, one of which, L'ldolo cinese, made a deep impression upon the Neapolitan public.
Niech nie ide sam
Zagram ci piosenki
Napisane w snach
To czary niewinne
Me jedyne dary
Matulo kochana
Jestem tak stary
Ej zabierz mnie daleko
Az po szczescia kres
Bede szedl za toba
Tak jak wierny pies
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche mi zalezy
Kiedy widze ciebie
Zapominam siebie
Za ciebie I za mnie
Za zadne pieniadze
Serca nie poskapie
I juz nie zabladze
Slyszalem ze kwitnie
Na szczycie beztroski
Szczescia bezmiar wielki
I male radostki
Ej zabierz mnie ze soba
Niech nie ide sam
Namaluje slonce
Potem caly swiat
Zakopie sie w tobie
I troche pomoge
Jak sercem pokarmisz
I ze mnie nie zadrwisz
Wylecze twe rany
I dla cie zaspiewam
Chcialbym ci powiedziec
Troche tu posiedze
Poczekam na ciebie
Zanim tu nie przyjdziesz
Daj mi jakis znak