Padre Ballí (ca. 1770–1829), also known as José Nicolás Ballí, was a rancher, a priest, and an original grantee of Padre Island, which was named after him. However, when he owned the island, it was known as the Isla de Santiago land grant. Padre Island had been granted to his grandfather, Nicolás Ballí in 1759, by King Charles III of Spain, and Padre Ballí requested a clear title to the property in 1827. His mother Rosa María Hinojosa de Ballí had made a joint application with Padre for eleven leagues of the island, but when reapplication was required in 1800, she withdrew her name in favor of him.
Padre Nicolas Balli was born Circa 1768. He was born into a wealthy family in the town of Reynosa,Mexico. His brother was the chief justice and captain of Reynosa. His grandfather had also been a justice and captain. He owned vast amounts of land in the Rio Grande valley. Nicolas choose to become a priest.
He was the first settler who brought families to the island. He also built the first church on the island for the conversion of the Karankawa Indians and for the benefit of the settlers. About 26 miles (42 km) north of the island's southern tip, he founded the town of El Rancho Santa Cruz de Buena Vista (later known as Lost City, rediscovered in 1931), where he also kept cattle, horses, and mules. This town, established in 1804, was the first European settlement on the island.
Padre means father in many Romance languages, and it may also refer to:
Padre (short for "Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment") is a multi-language software development platform comprising an IDE and a plug-in system to extend it. It is written primarily in Perl and is used to develop applications in this language.
Padre is written in Perl 5 but can be extended by any language running on top of the Parrot virtual machine, such as Perl 6, through its plug-in system and its integration with Parrot. The development officially started in June 2008 but Padre has reused components that have been available on CPAN, and the latest version of Padre is itself always available on CPAN. Most importantly, it uses the Perl bindings of wxWidgets for the windowing system, and PPI to correctly parse and highlight Perl and to allow refactoring. The primary advantages of Padre for Perl developers is that full and easy access to the source code of their editor is available, and a unique set of "Perl intuition" features that allow the IDE to understand details about project structure and content without needing to be told by the user.
The Partnership for Acid Drainage Remediation (PADRE) is a European based scientific-technical association dedicated to acid mine water related topics.
PADRE was founded in 2003 in Johannesburg, South Africa, due to the steadily increasing problems related to water in Europe. It is a sister organisation of the International Mine Water Association - IMWA and was publicly launched during IMWA’s Mine Water 2004 conference, in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) in September 2004.