Padalur is a village in Alathur Taluk, Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu State. Padalur is a main town in Alathur talku and is located 2 km from Taluk office. Padalur is 16.9 km from the District headquarters Perambalur . It is 284 km from State Capital Chennai.
Nearest city is Tiruchirappalli (35 km) and nearby tows are Perambalur (18 km) and Srirangam (32 km)
Padalur is divided into Padalur West and Padalur East administratively. Tiruvalkurichi is a village that is part of padalur East.
Padalur serves as connecting point for many surrounding villages. It is transforming from a small village to a town with numerous growth opportunities.
Padalur is a thriving region with business and industrial development opportunities in the district of perambalur, A modern dairy to process one lakh liters of milk will soon come up at Padalur in the district. The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) has called for tenders for the project. The NDDB has called for tenders for the project at a cost of Rs. 38 crore on December 4 and they will be opened on December 29. Once the tenders are finalized, civil works will start and installation of machinery will follow. NDDB will install the machinery. This new dairy unit will be set up in padalur east.
She's gone on a winters breath
If you find her, then keep whats left
She don't feel like no Love of mine
and the storm don't care what it leaves behind
and Ill miss you, but you must move on
The sun won't shine where you don't belong
Love is all that we keep
In the box that you're burnt when you lay down to sleep
Love of mine, may you find your way
for I lost my love on a winters day
and I don't blame you, its what I love you for
you were born to breeze through an open door
Love of mine, remember me
like a breaking wave, on your broken sea
Love is all that we keep
In the box that you're burnt when you lay down to sleep
Love is all that we keep
In the box that you're burnt when you lay down to sleep