Pigmented villonodular synovitis
Pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) is a joint disease characterized by inflammation and overgrowth of the joint lining. It usually affects the hip or knee. It can also occur in the shoulder, ankle, elbow, hand or foot. In PVNS the lining of the joint, called the synovium, becomes swollen and grows. This growth harms the bone next to the joint. The lining also makes extra fluid that can cause swelling and make movement painful. PVNS is idiopathic, it doesn't seem to run in families or be caused by certain jobs or activities. Surgery can help but, even with treatment, PVNS comes back about half the time. If the pain remains then radiation therapy may help. In the worst cases the joint must be replaced.
Pigmented villonodular synovitis, described distinctly in 1941 by Charles J. Sutro, L. Lichtenstein, and H.L. Jafe, comes in two forms: localized and diffuse. Diffuse PVNS affects the entire synovium and typically occurs in large joints such as the knee or hip. Localized, or nodular, PVNS is less common than the diffuse form and typically occurs in smaller joints such as the hands and feet. Localized PVNS often arises in the form of a large benign tumour on the tendon sheaths of the joint. As the tumor grows in the joint, it damages the surrounding bone and tissues. Localized PVNS is predominantly found in females and is frequently found in the fingers. Although rare, localized PVNS may develop in large joints. In either case, the knee is the most commonly affected joint (80% of cases), followed by the hip, and less commonly the ankles and shoulders. PVNS is generally found more in men than women. 2 cases per million population; incidence of the localized form is 9 cases per million.