Periaxin is a protein that in humans is encoded by the PRX gene.
The PRX gene encodes L- and S-periaxin, proteins of myelinating Schwann cells, and is mutated in Dejerine-Sottas syndrome (MIM 145900) and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4F (MIM 145900).[supplied by OMIM]
A gene is a locus (or region) of DNA that encodes a functional RNA or protein product, and is the molecular unit of heredity. The transmission of genes to an organism's offspring is the basis of the inheritance of phenotypic traits. Most biological traits are under the influence of polygenes (many different genes) as well as the gene–environment interactions. Some genetic traits are instantly visible, such as eye colour or number of limbs, and some are not, such as blood type, risk for specific diseases, or the thousands of basic biochemical processes that comprise life.
Genes can acquire mutations in their sequence, leading to different variants, known as alleles, in the population. These alleles encode slightly different versions of a protein, which cause different phenotype traits. Colloquial usage of the term "having a gene" (e.g., "good genes," "hair colour gene") typically refers to having a different allele of the gene. Genes evolve due to natural selection or survival of the fittest of the alleles.
Eugene is a common (masculine) first name that comes from the Greek εὐγενής (eugenēs), "noble", literally "well-born", from εὖ (eu), "well" and γένος (genos), "race, stock, kin".Gene is a common shortened form. The feminine variant is Eugenia or Eugénie.
Male foreign-language variants include:
Gene is a thriller novel by Stel Pavlou (born 1970), published in 2005 in England by Simon & Schuster. It is published in several languages with some title changes. The Italian edition has the title La Conspirazione del Minotauro (The Minotaur Conspiracy). The novel is about a fictional New York detective, James North, who in the process of hunting down a criminal, uncovers a genetics experiment to unlock past lives through genetic memory, therefore achieving a kind of immortality. In so doing North discovers his own origins, that of a soldier from the Trojan War who is reincarnated seven times through history, forced to confront his nemesis each time, all for the loss of his one true love.
Cyclades (born circa 1300 BC)
Incarnations of Cyclades
Athanatos (born circa 1500 BC)
Incarnations of Athanatos
The Public Radio Exchange (PRX) is a nonprofit web-based platform for digital distribution, review, and licensing of radio programs. The organization claims to be the largest on-demand catalog of public radio programs available for broadcast and Internet use.
According to PRX's site, its mission "is to build a fair market for creative audio content and an online community of increasing gains; to create more opportunities for diverse programming of exceptional quality, interest, and importance to reach more listeners."
The company enables terrestrial radio stations to audition pieces and download broadcast-quality audio to share with their listeners over the air or online. PRX catalogs thousands of pieces and allows users to search by topic, length, format, tone and time of the year.
The site also provides a community space open to public radio listeners, producers and stations, where users can discover, rate and review pieces. In addition to providing feedback, the rating system brings work to the attention of stations, who are able to sort pieces by their rating. When a piece is licensed by a station PRX provides the producer with a royalty.
The PRX205 (PRX/A) is a processor controlled reed relay telephone exchange developed by Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie BV (PTI) in Hilversum during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The first public switch was installed in Overvecht in Utrecht in 1972. About half of all sales were in the Netherlands. The last PRX switch was taken out of service on 7 December 2010 at Volendam in the Netherlands.
The PRX digital version (PRX/D) was developed during the early 1980s in PTI's laboratories in Hilversum, Brussels and Malmesbury, Wiltshire but only went into limited production. PTI first went into partnership with AT&T in 1984 and then sold its remaining stake in the company to AT&T (later demerged into Lucent and subsequently merged to form Alcatel-Lucent) in 1987. After the takeover, the PRX/D development was stopped in favour of the AT&T 5ESS switch product, but development of PRX/A continued for some time afterwards. PRX/A systems were installed worldwide including many containerized versions and served reliably for 38 years.
PRX-03140 is a partial agonist (18% relative to 5-HT) of the 5-HT4 receptor that is being developed by EPIX Pharmaceuticals for Alzheimer's disease.