The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to music deemed to be violent, have drug use or be sexual via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers. The committee was founded by four women: Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of former Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius. They were known as the "Washington wives" – a reference to their husbands' connections with government in the Washington, D.C. area. The term was also a play on the title of Ira Levin's book, The Stepford Wives. The Center eventually grew to include 22 participants.
As a method of combating this alleged problem, the PMRC suggested a voluntary move by the RIAA and the music industry to develop "guidelines and/or a rating system" similar to the MPAA film rating system. Additional suggestions from the PMRC that appeared in an article in the Washington Post included: printing warnings and lyrics on album covers, forcing record stores to put albums with explicit covers under the counters, pressuring television stations not to broadcast explicit songs or videos, "reassess[ing]" the contracts of musicians who performed violently or sexually in concert, and creating a panel to set industry standards. This article led to the removal of rock music and magazines from American stores including Wal-Mart, J. C. Penney, Sears and Fred Meyer.
What's the matter with kids today There so much trouble let's take that noise away Or that's what Helms' would say when he sees the kids aren't acting the "right" way Helms looks at the music but that's not the problem If a kid can't handle a 2Live Crew song song It's because society's in the wrong Is the no solution They keep kids in a strong hold illusion "explicit lyric" to you maybe truth to me but it's the the enemy of the world around me An old man is cussin' and stompin' at the way we live and the way we try to do our best in our world nut he doesn't ask why Bullshit censorship mother fucker you tell me what not to say No fucking way they hear rap or metal they're in a panic if their kid doesn'r hear it he's still fucking manic Censorship won't make him or her any better A constricted kid will always be a fucking bed-wetter Bullshit