PHPEdit is a commercial IDE developed by the French company WaterProof SARL. It is written in Delphi and runs on the Microsoft Windows operating system, and is designed mainly for the PHP language, but supports many other languages such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, INI, PHPEditScript, PlainText, SQL, XML, and XSLT. PHPEdit currently costs €89.00 despite the most recent version being released in 2012. A free license is available, but only for non commercial use (personal homepage or own studies).
As of December 2015, both PHPEdit and Waterproof websites seem to be dead ; product status is unknown.
Syntax highlighting for multiple languages in one document. Supported languages are CSS, HTML, JavaScript, INI, PHPEditScript, PHP, PlainText, SQL, XML, and XSLT
Code Hint for HTML, SQL and PHP
Code Insight for HTML, SQL and PHP
Code beautifier
Integrated PHP debugger
Automatic syntax checking
Help generator
Task Reporter
Customizable shortcuts
More than 150 scriptable commands
Keyboard templates