PABCO Transit
PABCO Transit, Inc., (now NJ Transit Morris, Inc.) doing business under the Morris County Metro brand, was a public transport company based in Dover, New Jersey operating local bus service in Morris County for New Jersey Transit. The company was originally called Passaic - Athena Bus Lines which operated service in Passaic and Clifton, New Jersey.
Passaic-Athenia Bus Co.
The Passaic-Athenia Bus Co. (originally Red Star Transportation up until 1922) operated the following routes prior to NJ Transit's takeover and contracting of the routes. The 702 was co-operated with Garfield & Passaic Transit as their #6 route and Community as its #1 route.
Morris County Metro
Renumbered routes
In October 2010, New Jersey Transit decided to take over these routes and split them into routes 871–875 and 880 by a newly created subsidiary called NJ Transit Morris, Inc. Morris County still subsidizes their operation. These routes are part of the Central Division.
Previously discontinued routes
On June 1, 2010 New Jersey Transit has decided to stop subsidizing the following routes leading to their discontinuation at the end of June.