Ozokerite or ozocerite (Gr. Όζο oze, stench, and κερί kero, wax), archaically referred to as earthwax or earth wax, is a naturally occurring odoriferous mineral wax or paraffin found in many localities.
Specimens have been obtained from Scotland, Northumberland, Wales, as well as from about thirty different countries. Of these occurrences the ozokerite of the island (now peninsula) of Cheleken, near Turkmenbashi, parts of the Himalayas in India and the deposits of Utah in the United States, deserve mention, though the last-named have been largely worked out. The sole sources of commercial supply are in Galicia, at Boryslav, Dzwiniacz and Starunia, though the mineral is found at other points on both flanks of the Carpathians.
Ozokerite deposits are believed to have originated in much the same way as mineral veins, the slow evaporation and oxidation of petroleum having resulted in the deposition of its dissolved paraffin in the fissures and crevices previously occupied by the liquid. As found native, ozokerite varies from a very soft wax to a black mass as hard as gypsum.
Nameless land of streams strike me with
The glance of heart
It must exist on the edge of our memories
Misguided in our fives we approach the
Valley of shadows not looking behind
The passing clouds refler what I'm feeling
There's a flowing stream in my heart
It's stream of my conscience
I'm lost in my life.
I'm lost in the land of streams
A transparent spirit moved in the forset
Of my unlimited feelings
Severing like an advent flame
Like a drop of water
I'm flowing down the eyes of my soul
The world of colours foresight and
Anxiety is sinking
Time of belief and hope is ending
Only love is joined like two streams
And we are looking on your direction
And we don't see anything
Our heart trembles and the prayer
Cries For full happines
Time of belief and hope is ending
Only love is joining like two streams