An oxo-acid is an acid that contains oxygen. To be more specific, it is a compound that contains hydrogen, oxygen, and at least one other element, with at least one hydrogen atom bound to oxygen that can dissociate to produce the H+ cation and the anion of the acid.
Generally, oxy-acids are simply polyatomic anions attached to a positively polarized hydrogen, which can be split off as a cation(ion).
Under Lavoisier's original theory, all acids contained oxygen, which was named from the Greek ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, sharp) and the root –γενής (–genes) (engender). It was later discovered that some acids, notably hydrochloric acid, did not contain oxygen and so acids were divided into oxoacids and these new hydracids.
All oxy-acids have the acidic hydrogen bound to an oxygen atom, so bond strength (length) is not a factor, as it is with binary nonmetal hydrides. Rather, the electronegativity of the central atom (E) and the number of O atoms determine oxy-acid acidity. With the same "central atom" E to which the O is attached, acid strength increases as the number of oxygen attached to E increases. With the same number of oxygens around E, acid strength increases with the electronegativity of E.
Lampu neon mentari limau mandarin,
Terpulanglah pada cermin kanta kita,
Dan bagaimana kita melihat.
Awan rumput bunga popi mentega,
Masa bukanlah adiotoriti,
Untuk menentukan hakikat.
Ah.....kami dah sedar,
Betapa peritnya merdeka kepada kami.
Mama janganlah marah-marah,
Mama tolonglah percaya,
Ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka,
Setiap zaman harus ada,
Cetusan tersendiri.
Piring terbang lelayang burung garuda,
Ada masa kita mereka-reka,
Bosan dengan hidup yang nyata.
Duyung pari-pari kuda unicorn,
Tunduk selalu kepala ditonjol,
Asyik dongak takut terlupa diri.
Ah.....kami dah sedar,
Betapa peritnya merdeka kepada kami.....
Mama janganlah marah-marah,
Mama tolonglah percaya,
ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka,
Setiap zaman harus ada,
ini bukan kerja mudah dan suka-suka,
Berilah peluang kepada kami,