We're making music
and having lots of fun
Then a stupid man
is getting on the run
He talks from Noise delution
not from great music
when he finished debate
i start to speak.
He you motherfucking Bastard
keep away from our place
Now, shut fuck up
and take this in your face.
You told us that you're coming
from golf club next door
and our noises
are to loud for you
and all the golfing bastards are dipured by our band
my very lovly friend do you see this hand
I'll hit you in the face
throw you from our ground
then you look behind you
and see our bloodhound
he will race after you
you will race like cheetas do
and you'll have to run fast
that he don't get you.
To all the golfing bastards out there in this world
the bits of my bloodhound can very hurt
so keep away from this our place
or our punches hit you in the face