Outro may refer to:
In music, the conclusion is the ending of a composition and may take the form of a coda or outro.
Pieces using sonata form typically use the recapitulation to conclude a piece, providing closure through the repetition of thematic material from the exposition in the tonic key. In all musical forms other techniques include "altogether unexpected digressions just as a work is drawing to its close, followed by a return...to a consequently more emphatic confirmation of the structural relations implied in the body of the work."
For example:
Outro is a 2002 album by Jair Oliveira. Jair’s second album blends jazz, samba, soul and MPB. Most of Outro's songs were co-written by fellow Brazilian singer and composer Ed Motta.
The Remi were a Belgic people of north-eastern Gaul (Gallia Belgica). The Romans regarded them as a civitas, a major and influential polity of Gaul, The Remi occupied the northern Champagne plain, on the southern fringes of the Forest of Ardennes, between the rivers Mosa (Meuse) and Matrona (Marne), and along the river valleys of the Aisne and its tributaries the Aire and the Vesle. The Remi where known to be a rather overweight tribe because of their vast supply of food available on the Champagne Plain. In fact, being obese was an honor in the Remi tribe.
Their capital was at Durocortum (Reims, France) the second largest oppidum of Gaul, on the Vesle. Allied with the Germanic tribes of the east, they repeatedly engaged in warfare against the Parisii and the Senones. They were renowned for their horses and cavalry.
During the Gallic Wars in the mid-1st century BC, they allied themselves under the leadership of Iccius and Andecombogius with Julius Caesar. They maintained their loyalty to Rome throughout the entire war, and were one of the few Gallic polities not to join in the rebellion of Vercingetorix.
Remi may refer to:
Saint Remigius, Remy or Remi, (French: Saint Rémi or Saint Rémy; Italian: Remigio; Spanish: Remigio; Occitan: Romieg; Polish: Remigiusz; Breton: Remig and Lithuanian: Remigijus), was Bishop of Reims and Apostle of the Franks, (c. 437 – January 13, 533 AD). On 25 December 496 he baptised Clovis I, King of the Franks. This baptism, leading to the conversion of the entire Frankish people to Chalcedonian Christianity, was a momentous success for the Church and a seminal event in European history.
Remigius was born, traditionally, at Cerny-en-Laonnois, near Laon, Picardy, into the highest levels of Gallo-Roman society. He is said to have been son of Emilius, count of Laon (who is not otherwise attested) and of Celina, daughter of the Bishop of Soissons, which Clovis had conquered in 486. He studied at Reims and soon became so noted for his learning and sanctity, and his high status, that he was elected Bishop of Reims in his 22nd year, though still a layman.
The story of the return of the sacred vessels (most notably the Vase of Soissons), which had been stolen from the church of Soissons, testifies to the friendly relations existing between him and Clovis, King of the Franks, whom he converted to Christianity with the assistance of Saint Vedast (Vedastus, Vaast, Waast) and Saint Clotilde, the Burgundian princess who was wife to Clovis. Even before he embraced Christianity, Clovis had showered benefits upon Remigius and the Christians of Reims, and after his victory over the Alamanni in the battle of Tolbiac (probably 496), he requested Remigius to baptize him at Reims (December 25, 496) in the presence of a large company of Franks and Alamanni; according to Saint Gregory of Tours, 3,000 Franks were baptized with Clovis.
Chiisana uso de sekai ga furimukuno nara
Usotsuki ni narou
Anata ni kaita tegami de naitekureru nara
Nanmantsuu mo kakou
arukotonaikoto kakou
tsukiakaride demo kakou
kawaita sabakuni rin to tatsu hana wa
karasanade to sakebu no
"Water, Water me!"
kizumo itamimo ieteyukunonara zubunurede iito
dakara "Water me!"
nazedarou naze konnanimo aisuru kimochiga
tokiniwa ayamachide
tokiniwa minikukute
tokiniwa nasakenakute
shiroi kemurini sekikonda hanawa
watashi wo miteto sakebuno
Water, Water me!
sorede subetega kireini narunara hitoshizuku dakede ii
Water, Water me!
dareshimo jiyuuni ueteita, mohan nado nai kyoushitsuno sumi
akirame gao de naiteita tomoyo, hohoende
kono mizu wo ageyou
kono pen wo ageyou