Outro may refer to:
In music, the conclusion is the ending of a composition and may take the form of a coda or outro.
Pieces using sonata form typically use the recapitulation to conclude a piece, providing closure through the repetition of thematic material from the exposition in the tonic key. In all musical forms other techniques include "altogether unexpected digressions just as a work is drawing to its close, followed by a return...to a consequently more emphatic confirmation of the structural relations implied in the body of the work."
For example:
Outro is a 2002 album by Jair Oliveira. Jair’s second album blends jazz, samba, soul and MPB. Most of Outro's songs were co-written by fellow Brazilian singer and composer Ed Motta.
A mess (also called a messdeck aboard ships) is an area where military personnel socialize, eat, and (in some cases) live. In some societies this military usage has extended to other disciplined services eateries such as civilian fire fighting and police forces. The root of mess is the Old French mes, "portion of food" (cf. modern French mets), drawn from the Latin verb mittere, meaning "to send" and "to put" (cf. modern French mettre), the original sense being "a course of a meal put on the table"; cfr. also the modern Italian portata with the same meaning, past participle of portare, to bring. This sense of mess, which appeared in English in the 13th century, was often used for cooked or liquid dishes in particular, as in the "mess of pottage" (porridge or soup). By the 15th century, a group of people who ate together were also called a mess, and it is this sense that persists in the "mess halls" of the modern military.
Messing in the Canadian Forces generally follows the British model (see United Kingdom below), from whom most traditions have descended. Basic regulations regarding the establishment and administration of messes is contained in the Queen's Regulations and Orders and the Canadian Forces Administrative Orders.
Messé is a commune in the Deux-Sèvres department in western France.
Mess is the seventh studio album by music trio Liars, released on Mute Records on 24/25 March 2014. In a press release, singer Angus Andrew said the recording process had been "almost the exact opposite" of creating their last album WIXIW and that "instead of being doubtful, work on the new album has been immediate, fun, instinctual and confident". The record was largely recorded at the band's own No Gold Studios in Los Angeles.
The first single from the album, Mess On A Mission, was released on 17 March, backed with remixes from Silent Servant, SFV Acid, Black Bananas (Jennifer Herrema) and Nest Of Teens. Regarding the single, a Mute press release quotes the band: "Mess On A Mission acknowledges some of the modern day issues of uncertainty, of being overwhelmed with possibilities, too many choices and it vocalises them. It's cathartic and a more positive spin on something our music has always dealt with: anxiety."
All songs written and composed by Aaron Hemphill and Angus Andrew.
Você fica irritado comigo
Só porque você me acha mais bonito que você
Você já fica todo nervoso
Quando te dizem que eu sou mais talentoso que você
Sua vida anda mesmo sem graça,
Pois a única saída que você acha é me difamar
Isso até que veio bem a calhar
Eu estava precisando de alguém para me divulgar
Fale mal de mim
Fale o que quiser de mim
Mas por favor, não deixe que em nenhum momento
Eu deixe de estar no seu pensamento
Fale mal de mim
Fale o que quiser de mim
Porque todo mundo que te conhece
Sabe que é isso o que você merece
Minha reputação continua intacta
Apesar de todas estas historinhas que você inventou
E se a vida pra você é uma disputa
Lembre-se que pra todo o jogo há um perdedor
Você sabe que eu nem sei
Que eu te falei
Isso vai matar você
Isso irrita você
Sabe que eu nem sei
Que eu te parei
Isso incomoda você
Isso vai matar você
Sabe que eu nem sei
Que eu te parei
Isso incomoda você
Isso irrita você
Sabe que eu nem sei
Que eu te falei
Isso incomoda você