Otto's encyclopedia (Czech: Ottova encyklopedie or Ottův slovník naučný), published at the turn of the 20th century, is the largest encyclopedia written in the Czech language. For its scope and the quality of the writing, it is comparable to the greatest world encyclopedias of its time, such as Encyclopædia Britannica.
At the beginning of the 1880s, Jan Otto, a Czech book-seller and publisher, began planning a new general Czech encyclopedia. He was inspired by the first Czech encyclopedia by F. L. Rieger, a fourteen-volume work published between 1860 and 1874, but wanted to go further. For a long time Otto could not find an eligible editor-in-chief until he began to cooperate with Jan Malý, a former co-editor of the Reiger's encyclopedia, who laid down a concept of the new work with a proposed name - Czech national encyclopedia (Národní encyklopedie česká) in 1884. After Malý's death the following year, Otto found a new editor-in-chief, Tomáš Masaryk later the president of Czechoslovakia, and in 1886 the actual work began (Masaryk himself writing the psychology, sociology, philosophy and logic disciplines). The next year, Masaryk got involved in a tempestuous dispute over the authenticity of the allegedly historical Zelenohorský and Královedvorský manuscripts and resigned from the editorship. Otto managed to establish a new editorial group from prominent technicians, theologians and representatives of Czech universities. Their intensive work and the work of their collaborators lead to the publication of the first volume of the encyclopedia, under the name Ottův slovník naučný (Otto's encyclopedia), in January 1888. From that point onwards, the work progressed without major problems and volumes were published regularly until the last (28th) one appeared in 1908.
A list is any enumeration of a set of items. List or lists may also refer to:
"Homecoming" is the ninth episode of the first season of the NBC science fiction drama series Heroes.
The episode begins with Claire and her friend Zach walking into the high school amphitheater with lunch as Claire's former cheerleader friends wait anxiously for the results of the Homecoming Court vote. Claire downplays the entire ritual, but Zach encourages her to check the posting and see if she had won. To Claire's surprise, she has been voted Homecoming Queen, with her main rival, Jackie, merely a member of the court. Astonished, Claire and the rest of the cheerleaders turn around to see much of the student body proclaiming congratulations and support for Claire. She later discovers that Zach had been campaigning for her, working to win the "unpopular vote" by letting everyone know that Claire is not like the popular Jackie. Jackie, however, spoils the moment in an attempt to deflate Claire's victory by poking fun at Zach. Claire, beginning to see the importance of Zach's friendship to her, promptly punches Jackie in the face.
The angle of list is the degree to which a vessel heels (leans, or tilts) to either port or starboard.
A listing vessel is stable and at equilibrium, but the distribution of weight aboard (often caused by uneven loading or flooding) causes it to heel to one side.
By contrast roll is the dynamic movement from side to side caused by waves.
If a listing ship goes beyond the point where a righting moment will keep it afloat, it will capsize and potentially sink.
Tagesschau (German for View of the Day) is a name of a news and public affairs program shared by three networks in Europe:
Tagesschau (English: View on the Day) is the title of a news broadcast on RAI Sender Bozen, RAI's German language television channel in the province of South Tyrol. The program has been broadcast since the channel was launched on February 7, 1966.
The main and first edition is broadcast at 8PM and the second and last edition, added in the 1990s, is broadcast at 10:10PM and is called Tagesschau um 10 nach 10 (Tagesschau at 10 past 10). The Tagesschau covers local, national and international news.
The Tagesschau open jingle begins with the first notes of the Bozner Bergsteigerlied. The headlines include the three most considerable news of the day. The two editions are broadcast from the same studio in the RAI broadcasting house in Bolzano and are both hosted by the same presenter. Four presenters alternately host the newscast.
The Tagesschau team covers news directly from South Tyrol, including specific issues concerning neighbouring regions and from Rome for national politics, where a correspondent is located. Reports over other current events from Italy or news from Europe and the World are recorded by the Tagesschau team in Bolzano using pictures from Italian RAI newscasts or from the EBU Network.
SRF Tagesschau (Literally "View on the Day". Simply titled Tagesschau until 4 December 2005) is the title of a current affairs show on German-speaking Swiss public channel SRF 1. The main edition is broadcast at 19:30 and further editions are shown around noon and at the end of daily broadcasting. In 1990, another news show called 10vor10 ("10 to 10") was added, as well as Schweiz aktuell for regional information.